Why Don't You See You Like How I See You?

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You don’t need to be perfect to be beautiful.
Why can’t you see you like how I see you?
You’re not perfect.
But that’s what I like about you.
You’re not determined by the scale.
You shouldn’t be labeled with a number.
You shouldn’t listen to others.
Because my love for you is more important.
You don’t need to satisfy them.
Because they’re not important.
Why can’t you see you like how I see you?

Every time you sigh when you look at the mirror.
Do you know how that makes me feel?
Do you know how beautiful you are?
What did I do to ever deserve you?
It’s so sad that I love you more than you love yourself.
You don’t have to be like others.
Just be yourself.
I didn’t fall for you because you were like everybody else.
I fell in love with you.
I don’t want you to be anyone else.
I only want you.
Because there’s no one like you.
No one can be you.
No one replace you.
Don’t be anyone but you.

Don’t be disappointed in yourself.
You don’t think that you’re special.
But I’m your biggest fan.
No one loves you as much as me.
And you shouldn't think that you’re not much.
Because to me, you’re everything.
I’m so privileged to be alive at this moment.
I’m so proud to be able to see you in all your glory.

I didn’t love you for your appearance.
You’re looks are only a bonus.
Because the flesh is only temporary, but the heart is forever.
I loved you for your smile,
You’re everlasting kindness,
You’re endless care for others,
Your pure soul,
Your meaningful intentions,
Your raw emotions,
Your talents,
Your passion,
Your selflessness,
You’re beautiful.
Why don’t you see you like how I see you?

Everything you do takes my breath away
You’re the one who shone the brightest in the darkest moments in my life.
Don’t say that you’re not worth it.
Because I’d give up everything for you.
Don’t say such sad things.
Why would an angel curse itself?
Why would a butterfly destroy its wings before flight?
Why would a precious jewel not shine?
Why would you not think that you’re not beautiful?
Why don’t you see you like how I see you?

When I’m drowning in my own shadows,
You don’t try to save me,
Because you’re the only one who would voluntarily drown with me.
You’d jump into my pitch black soul,
You’d fight my battle with me,
And walk with me on the dark dark pathway.
Sometimes I wonder why you haven’t given up on me yet.
Because your fragile feet can’t handle the rough merciless ground.
Because your delicate arms can’t protect you from the bony hands that try to grab you.
Because your soft and pure wings shouldn’t be torn.
Because you shouldn’t be corrupted.
Because I should be the one to protect you.
Why haven’t you left me?
And yet even as the monster that I am,
You still call yourself disgusting?
Why don’t you see you like how I see you?

Over and over again you never cease to amaze me.
Only you can do this to me.
Sometimes I’m scared you’ll break.
Sometimes I really want to beg you to leave.
I don’t want you to hurt with me.
But you want to stay.
“I love you.”
You would always reassure me.
It’s as if you know that I’m scared.
How are you so powerful?
Just your words are enough to make me calm once again.
You’re amazing.
Your gentle voice is a thunderous song that brings down all the commotion in my head.
With just your command,
Everything is silent.
Why don’t you see you like how I see you?

Why do you feel the need to change?
Your wonderful imperfections are my favorite part of you.
Because it reminds me once again that you’re still human.
Just like me.
You have bruises too.
Some purple and blue.
You have things going on in your head too.
Things you’ve done.
Things you’ve said.
Scars that are healed.
Some that are still spilling red.
You’re fine the way you are.
We can help fix each other.
I’ll fill in the gaps of your heart.
I’ll sew up your gashes.
We’ll be imperfect together.
Because you don’t need to be perfect to be beautiful.
If only you saw you like how I saw you.

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