Why Is It So Loud?

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Why is it so loud?

Cars holler at me to move out of the way.

People shove past me.

Why are you in such a hurry?

Children scream and whine.

Adults yell and complain.

Dogs bark.

The air is exhausted.

Everybody’s tired.

Why is it so loud?

I get home.

We have guest again.

They’re talking and looking at grandpa.

He’s coughing again.

“He’s not going to make it.”

“When is he going to leave?”

“What time is it?”

“Is it over yet?”

Humans are such merciless creatures.

My cousins run up to me.

“Can we play?”

“Do you have homework?”

“Where were you?”

“How come you never come out of your room?”

“How come you never hang out with us anymore?”

Their voices ring through my head like nails on a chalkboard.

I calmly answer their questions and walk away.

They follow me.

I turn around.

They simply stare at me.

“Don’t follow me.”

I can see their disappointed expressions.

When I enter me and my brother’s shared room.

My brother sits on the floor.

I lay down in bed.

He pokes me.


He doesn’t stop.

He continues as he laughs.

Anger boils within me.

“Stop!” I yell at him.

He tells my parents.

My parents scold me.

Why is it so loud?

Why is there so much commotion?

Where is the peace?

Please be quiet.

Please leave.

When my parents finish scolding me

My mom tells me to go wash the dishes.

She then tells me to sweep the floor.

When I’m done

My dad tells me to go do the laundry.

My cousins see me as I walk past.

They giggle and cling to me.

“Come play!”

I ignore them and quickly walk away.

The guest are still talking loudly.

I watch them as they converse with each other,

Screeching and laughing.

They’re completely oblivious to the sick and coughing person next to them.

When they do finally take notice of the said person.

They raise their voice and speak to him as if he were deaf.

My patience begins to thin.

He is not deaf.

There’s no need to yell.

He is not stupid.

Just talk to him normally.

I start to head back into my room.

My cousins are still persistent.

“Play with us!”

I try to escape their grabby hands.

“Can we eat your candy?”

I turn around and narrow my eyes at them.

They looked through my stuff again.

“No, I have homework.”

I lie.

Everything spins and I massage my temple.

Why is there so much noise?

Why are all these people here?

My head pounds as I still hear many voices echoing.

Please stop.

Why do they find the need to talk so loud.

Please be quiet.

Leave me alone.

Why is it so loud?

I run to the attic and sit down.

My chest quickly rises and falls as I hug my knees.

Please leave.

Please be quiet.

Please go away.

Leave me alone.

I chant those words almost like a prayer.

Why is it so loud?

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