Lady With A Bottle and Tight Dress (Part 1/2)

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Her hands clutched the bottle for dear life.

I examined her as her fingers insistently tapped on the table.

It set a rhythm that could rival her heart.

As if her actions weren’t enough, her tight dress told many things as well.

She looked as if something broke within her.

I would’ve called her pretty if I ignored the bags under her eyes.

Her glazed eyes roamed the bodies around her.

For a moment she caught my focus on her.

She kept a steady determination that shocked me.

I didn’t know her at all,

Yet when we stared at each other,

I realized that one would could easily misinterpret her gaze as a glare.

But I didn’t miss the way her eyes watered.

I couldn’t really understand why she seemed so upset.

The lady with a bottle and tight dress almost seemed like she was...longing for something?

She didn’t move her gaze from me.

I noticed that her fingers had stopped tapping.

I wondered why she was looking at me this way.

Many things seemed to swim in her eyes as they bored into my form.

As if she were asking for forgiveness.

A deep dark ocean filled her eyelids with what resembled regret.

The harsh waves of fear shook and flooded the rocks and hid the jewel behind it.

Salty water gushed and dripped passed the dreaded scars of exhaustion.

Droplets of rain fell with self control and restraint,

Yet nothing could hide the fact that lightning will soon rip the innocent dew drops away from their pathway.

But even as the little beads of of treasure knew this,

They continue on their journey and plunge over the cliff and into the depths of nothing.

I was amazed.

Even with her messy hair and tear stained cheeks,

The lady with a bottle and tight dress had beautiful eyes.

They told a story that I could never describe.

And maybe something that I would never understand.

Her lipstick was smeared in a hostile way.

It left red residue on her chin.

Her knees and elbows popped out and her thin arms were wrapped around herself.

She was pale and hollow.

Her body seemed too small to contain her rushing emotions.

In the chilly October weather, she shivered and trembled.

Or maybe it was because of her instability.

She reminded me of my puppy at home.

Her expressful gaze and vulnerable form.

My mommy said that smiles are contagious.

So I smiled at the lady with a bottle and tight dress.

Her eyes widened and her lips shook.

But I didn’t miss the corners of her lips slightly raising.

I felt a gentle tug on my hand.

I looked up to see my mommy’s soft gaze.

“Are you ready to go home, sweetheart?”

I giggled and tugged on her coat excitedly.

“Yeah! Let’s go home!”

My mommy chuckled and brushed my hair out of my face.

“I love you.” She said as she kissed my forehead.

I jumped into her arms, “I love you too, mommy.”

My mom smiled and stood up,

She brought out her hand,

I laughed and held it tightly.

But as we walked away,

I snuck one last glance at the lady with a bottle and tight dress.

She was still looking at me.

But this time her face was brighter.

‘Thank you.’

She mouthed as she waved at me.

I gave her one more big smile before I turned back around and headed towards home.

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