We Are Not the Same

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These are not my people,

Not my crowd.

Not the kind of people I want to hang around.

This isn’t my world.

These aren’t my words.

Should we go?

Should we stay?

It doesn't matter because in the end we’ll just be “idiots.”

“Fools who don’t know anything.”

All have lost hope in us.

But I don’t belong here.

Why is it that I’m grouped them?

Their twisted words and the corrupted things they discuss.

Why am I here?

I am not disgusting.

I am not foul.

I am not nothing.

So don’t treat me like them.

Don’t treat me like I am not worth anything.

I may be childish and naive.

But I am not stupid.

Why do you believe that I am so easily deceived?

Do I seem that gullible?

Do I seem “like one of the kids who would cause trouble?”

I find it hard to comprehend that you don’t realize that I have also went through my own struggles.

I am not as innocent as I seem.

I haven’t been living life through a dream.

I don’t believe in luxury.

I believe in hardwork and perseverance.

I believe that life is meant to be difficult.

I believe that only good things can be achieved through aching backs and scarred hands.

I believe that accomplishments are miracles.

Because nothing is easy.

Just because I smile,

It doesn't mean that I don’t understand what’s going on.

Just because I laugh,

It doesn’t mean that my heart isn’t broken in half.

Don’t compare me to anyone.

Because I am not just “Anyone.”

I am me, I am Someone.

I have not lived anybody’s life.

But no one has lived mine.

So that does not give you the right

To tell me that you understand me.

You don’t know me.

Just because you were my age once.

It doesn’t mean that you were also me at some point in your life.

Because you are not me.

And I am not you.

So don’t compare me to you.

Don’t compare me to others.

You are simply a human being.

You have feelings.

You have things you love and cherish.

And so do I.

So I wish,

That you would realize that we are not the same person.

We do not feel the same things.

We do not love the same way.

I am not strong,

Nor am I weak.

But I do know that I have a soul and a body that can bleed.

And I understand that there are other people with their own opinions.

Their own way of thinking.

I know you don’t agree with me at times.

And that’s fine.

We are different.

We are not the same.

We will not understand each other.

But even through all of these arguments and discussions.

You are still my mother.

It doesn’t matter what the real answer is or what is the truth.

Because in the end, I’ll still love you.

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