Forget That Day (Part 1/2)

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With the words etched in my head, I walk away with heavy feet. Sometimes I ask myself, "What really happened that day?" People stare at me as I stride past. It's as if they knew. Their eyes follow my every move. My heart starts to accelerate. "Please stop looking at me." I start running. For some reason, I have the argent feeling to turn around, hoping someone would follow me. But as I expected, there was no one. My breaths become staggered as the adrenaline coursed through my body. If only I could forget that day.

I shut the door behind me and close my eyes. I slowly sink to my knees. My body far too weak to hold itself up any longer. I feel something throb deep inside of me. I put my hands to face and realize that something wet is on them. I bring them in front of me to find them covered in red. I bite my lip and pray to whoever was watching me from up above to forgive me. "I killed her."

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