What Will Become Of Us?

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Why is there fighting?

It’s funny how gunshots and fireworks sound similar.

I find it bitterly humorous how something so dangerous and destructive could be mistaken as something so bright and joyful.

I sit in history class and listen to the teacher passionately explain the lesson.

Today we are discussing war.

As I learn more, I quickly become disgusted in humanity.

Why do we feel the need to shed blood?

Is it because of pride?





It’s difficult to comprehend that the failures and affliction of war were thrown on innocent people.

The people who just wanted to get away, were forcefully dragged into the situation and paid the price for something that they never did.

Why do the innocent the ones always suffer the most?

Why would you torture someone who just wanted peace?

They just wanted to escape the violence,

Escape the on growing fear that surrounded them.

Yet they were tortured, beaten, and abused.

They never deserved to be treated that way.

And even after all of this, when they look at their homelands, all they can see are the battle scars that were scattered everywhere and have no choice but leave the place that was once considered their home.

Why are they the ones to endure all of this?

Why do they have to struggle just to breathe one more time?

They didn’t do anything, but yet they have to deal with everything.

Even with the anguish that pours from their lips,

Even when they hope that one day, all those selfish beasts would go away so that they could return to their normal lives.

Even with their cries and pleas,

They have no choice but to run.

They don’t want to create conflict.

Why feed the madness?

They don’t want to get involved anymore.

They’re sick and tired of watching their homes get destroyed.

They’re sick and tired of hearing gunshots and explosions.

They’re sick and tired of feeling like their loved ones are quickly disappearing.

Why do humans do this?

We waste our time developing weapons.

We find pride in our killing machines.

We create abstract ways to murder someone.

When it comes to point where even soldiers don’t know why they’re fighting.

Don’t you think that something isn’t right?

What’s strong enough to kill someone?

Proud officials who spread dishonesty to hopeful people.

Brainwashed children who grew up believing in lies and went into battle, dying because of those lies.

They thought that they were doing the right thing.

They were taught to fight for their country and that cowards don’t deserve to live.

And yet the devils who they praise make children fight their battles for them.

It’s not that cowards are weak.

It’s because they feel the feel the need to ask, “Why kill?”

They don’t want to die a murder.

They don’t want to die at all.

They don’t want their bodies to lay on a battlefield to be forgotten.

They don’t want to know that they gave up their lives for something that probably wasn’t even right.

No one is right when it comes to war.

So what if you won?

What’s the point?

People died. Nothing was accomplished.

Peace? Justice?

People lost their homes and their families.

What is there to be proud of?

Disgusting pride.

Believing that there’s the need to show superiority to those that are unfortunate.


What’s the use?

So what if your big and strong?

Why do you want to make people struggle even more?

Do you believe that killing other people would protect your own people?

Kill or be killed?

We are not animals.

We are not savages.

Yet, it’s sickening that this is the logic that we follow.

But what can we do?

Humans have followed this “rule” for centuries now.

And now it’s engraved into our minds that we have to kill to survive.

Humans are revolting.

We’ve already destroyed the animals around us.

Our planet is already blemished.

And now it’s our turn.

It’ll all just be a endless cycle,

Violence is how we solve our problems.

Humans kill animals,

Humans kill planet,

Humans kill humans.

It frightens me that the ones before us created this mess and that the new generation have no choice but to fix it.

Will we follow the same path?

I may be small now, but when I get big and knowledgeable, will I make the same decisions as the previous generation?

It’s terrifying to know that their mistakes shaped our world today.

They ignored logic and pushed the responsibility on us.

What will we do to fix this chaotic place?

Will we even fix it?

Does fixing mean killing?

How do we fix something that has always been broken?

When will humanity grow up and realize that fighting isn’t the only way to solve everything?

As children we were raised and taught to not become violent and to solve things with a leveled head.

I guess we never grew up.

And yet as I speak about fighting not being morally correct, I can offer no solution to solve everything.

And so I am no better than an annoying itch.

If I can’t fix the problem, then humanity has no choice but to just continue on with its old ways.

As I age and start to question things,

I am filled with alarming realization that one day, what will happen?

“What will become of us?”

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