Hardest Thing To Say (Short Story)

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I always wondered what would be the hardest thing to tell someone.

When I was five, the hardest thing to tell someone was probably when I had to admit that I stole the last cookie from the cookie jar.

My mom was not very happy.

With her hand on her hips, she shook her head.

Even though she wasn't smiling, she still forgave me.

The next time was when I was ten and I had to stand up for a boy.

He was getting bullied by a mean classmate.

I knew that what I did was right.

But my knees were shaking.

Me and that boy became best friends after that day.

A couple of years later when I was fourteen.

I liked this one girl in class.

I asked her to go out with me.

My heart did somersaults when she said yes.

Not too long after when I was sixteen.

I realized that I didn't feel anything anymore.

I always felt that something was off.

One day, I saw her kissing another guy.

She cheated on me.

When I saw her later that day.

I told her that it was over.

I made her cry.

My best friend of six years hugged me and told me that it wasn't my fault.

He told me that she wasn't worth it and that one day I'll find someone who'll really love me.

On my eighteenth birthday, I was drinking with a couple of guys outside at the back of a club.

I kinda gave up on love.

I went out with a lot of girls, played with a lot of them too,

But nothing felt right.

My phone rang and I picked it up.

It was my best friend. I rolled my eyes.

He's probably going to ask me where I was.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Why did you that?"

I look to my left to see my best friend's crest fallen expression looking back at me, his phone still held up to his ear.

He eventually dragged me into his car.

"I know that you don't like me saying this, but you should really stop drinking." His soft eyes peered at me.

I only looked out the window.

"You know...sometimes I wonder why I'm even your best friend." His voice got quiet.

This time, I didn't have anything to say.

I was heading back to my college dorm, drunk.

I had a little fun tonight.

I opened the door to see my best friend glaring at me.

"Do you know what time it is?"

I scoffed at him.

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