Opposites do Attract

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So I decided to make a new story since the other one wasn't getting noticed. So PLEASE tell your followers, readers and friends about this one. Also, please tell me what I need to fix with the story. I really need criticism.

WARNING!! This is a somewhat cliche story of the "good girl falling for the bad boy". Please, if you don't like the sound of that, please don't read it and leave rude comments.

Also, there are mistakes in this story, I'm too lazy to go and fix them right now. Once the book is finished, I will go back and edit things.

P.S. I know it's not the best story out there, but please refrain yourself from copying and pasting my story as yours, it's rude and this story is made up completely from my imagination. So please don't. Also, it's copy righted, so we can go from there.

But anywho, enjoy the story!:)

- Dionelle


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Opposites do Attract [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now