Chapter 6

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Katy’s POV

So maybe crying at that exact moment wasn’t the best thing to do right then.  I just couldn’t hold it in any longer.  The power run in my wolf form didn’t do anything like it used to, and then, the rest of the pack was so welcoming that I couldn’t see why they wouldn’t like Kyle.  While my pack surrounded me for comfort, I looked for Kyle but I didn’t see him.  Then I heard the crack of a fist on flesh.  Pain radiated through me and I realized that Kyle that was getting hurt. 

Pushing against the crowd, I squeezed past the pack in time to see Kyle pin Dillon to the floor.  As long as I could remember, Dillon had the biggest crush on me.  He was so sweet and I didn’t ever see the problem with him tagging along when I did something. I never did see him as someone more than a little brother.  At least that was until I saw him pull the knife.

Restraints feel away as I saw red.  Chains fell and crumbled and there was no stopping me.  I knew exactly what I was doing.  My power was unstoppable, that was what I was counting on. 

I saw Dillon drop the knife and look at me with what?  Fear?  Admiration?  Jealousy?  Hatred? The petty emotions for stopping him from killing Kyle?  I grew furious, what right did he have for attacking Kyle?  I drew closer with my sights set on Dillon.  Abruptly, someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me back against their chest.

“Katy, calm down, please.” Kyle soothed stroking my hair.  “I’m fine, please baby, it’s okay, he knows better now.”  I turned around quickly, burying my face into his chest as snot and tears got all over his shirt.  He continued to rub my back and eventually I let the locks slide back into place and collapsed against him.

It was time to get it through to the pack that Kyle was here to stay, and to address my powers.  I wasn’t ready to take over the pack from my father, but I was definitely going to start making decisions for and about the pack.

Enough was enough.  Sniffling, I wiped my nose and brushed away my tears.  Finally, I pushed away and rotated around to face the gathering onlookers. 

“Kyle is my true mate and I expect you to treat him with respect like any other pack mate.”  Collective gasps and eyes rounded at my bold admission.  “If anyone wishes to challenge my dominance, then feel free to do so.  As of now, my father will still be Alpha but I will start taking part in the assessment of the pack and start working with our pack as a whole.  Answers to your questions and further information will be given at this upcoming pack meeting.”

Everyone continued to stare at us, but everyone was sure to keep their positions submissive.  No need for me to hit the psycho level twice on the same day.  Let’s see, tell everyone know about Kyle? Check. Talks about pack with everyone…err, half check.  Time to talk my dad, no my Alpha, about that.

“Come on, Kyle, I still have something I need to do.” I spoke aloud.

I whipped around while grabbing his hand and yanked him beside me.  It was now or never to get to work.


Unknown’s POV

She was finally growing into her powers.  Not being aware of the danger around her would be a mistake, but like many others, the threat would be out in the open and menacing when it finally struck and be the final mistake.  Unlike past she wolves though, she could be more of a challenge; after all, her DNA was unique even further so then long-ago victims.

I shook my head, not victims, but potential abominations.  Each and every one of them, not once did they escape and they never would, when death came for them, they were already broken and probably even resented themselves, and most likely others for never finding them in time.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and let the wind blow the short wisps of hair that had been plastered to my face away. 

“Come on, Kyle, I still have something I need to do.” Katy beckoned to her mate and she practically dragged him away.

He was going to be a problem; I knew it once I saw him breaking out of the woods. It was a blessing that they didn’t actually spot me when they raced by before.   Yes, I confirmed, he was definitely a concern to the operation.  Abomination only found there mates when fate pushed them together for one reason or another, usually danger. 

I speed-dialed back to base, “Hello, Science Technological Discovery Incorporation, this is Linda, how may I help?”

“Linda put me through to Representative Lyte.”

“Excuse me sir but we don’t have-” she tried to inform me.

“If you value your job you will!” I growled.

“Give me one moment, sir.” She squeaked.

Pathetic humans couldn’t even answer a phone properly, maybe it was time for new staff, I briefly considered the option but tossed it when I remembered that the current staff was only hired last week.

“Representative Lyte… what’s up boss?  Got a job for me yet?”

Short, sweet, and to the point, even if he annoyed the shit out of me, I could use him and then drop him, damaged or not.

“Yes Lyte, indeed I do.  I’ll forward the address to you and you should meet me there by midday tomorrow if not sooner.”


 “What was that Lyte? The clock is ticking so I would get moving if I were you.”

“Yes sir.” He muttered and disconnected.

Making my way back to civilization, I laughed at how ridiculously careless this pack was.  Any human could be taking a hike and stumble upon this, then again, humans are very fragile and wouldn’t risk a thirty mile hike through the Colorado Mountains while fighting the climate, no matter the season.  Even then, the odor of human would be obvious even this far away from the Watcher pack.

I pushed through the overgrowth and brushed off the limbs obscuring the ATV I had used to get here and started the engine.   Clean getaways were essential from where I was coming from; no one could know what I was doing this, this time was different, not that they knew regularly anyways. 

Throttling the gas, I burst out of the forest and made my way toward the gravel pathway that would take me back to the town. 

Roughly thirty minutes later, the tree line began to thin and the road widened continually.  Eventually, the tires bounced up, jostling the vehicle, as the dirt turned abruptly to slabs of tar and concrete.  I grinned wickedly. 

Lyte wouldn’t be late if he valued himself and since he had been waiting for a mission, it shouldn't take him all that long to be ready.   I steered the vehicle to the right and soon the town was rushing upon me and swallowing me inside it.  As far as rural towns went, this one was pretty desolate with a population barely exceeding the one-hundred mark.

As far as I could tell, these people were superstitious of what was going on around them, and it must have been spot on in view of the fact that they all had their eyes trained on me every time I ventured out into their world.   The human sixth sense could be bothersome when you wanted to be low key, but I didn’t have much choice in residence considering my target was in the middle of nowhere.

I pulled up to the bar that was empty at this hour of the day, pulled out the keys of the vehicle, and walked toward the dainty looking thing. 

Shingles had long since fallen off, leaving empty spaces of open roof, rotted wood practically held up the establishment, and the windows looked as if they had seen better days.  The door looked like it was a prop straight out of an old western movie. The kind that squeaked on its hinges and was easily swung open with a push. 

Cherry, according to the employee name tag, sat me down and quickly brought back a beer before scurrying away.  Fine by me, all that was left was to enjoy the beer and await Lyte’s arrival.

meh.  I really hate writing the bad guys point of view.... usually i just skip over them when other writers do it, sorry if I offended you by saying that.  it does help fill up the page though so I guess that's why. comment and vote.

-nikki <3

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