Chapter 16

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Katy’s POV

“Ladies and gentlemen! The annual tournament is going to take place at the usual spot in exactly thirty minutes!  After the tournament is finished, the game of man hunt will begin.  If you wish to sit out of either game, that’s fine.  Although, the game stations will not be opened until after the tournament, so you can either watch or do as you please.” Someone shouted across the intercom.

“Please be careful, love.” Kyle said squeezing my fingers.

“You have nothing to worry about, I’ll be just fine.” I told him, “I’ve never gotten any more than bruises and small cuts. Nothing that won’t just disappear in less than half an hour.”

“I swear Katy, if you get hurt more than that, then someone is going to be in the pack clinic for a couple of weeks.” He tells me.

“Whatever,” I say while rolling my eyes, “The whole point of the tournament is to give yourself a new rank in the pack.  Say for example John can beat Jack but not Jay. If Jim can beat both Jack and Jay, then Jim will be higher in standing than John. Understand?”

I give him a moment to rap his head around it and then smiled at him when he nods tentatively.

“Let’s go then and watch the beginning rounds.” I tell him, “The tournament starts with the lowest of the pack and works its way up.”

Two hours later, all the lower level fights have taken place. This is where it gets fun.  Two pack members ended up tied at the top, just below the rankings of my brothers and myself. The one who comes out the winner gets to fight Tommy and if he wins, then he has to fight Timmy, then Robert, then Patrick, then Cameron, and finally me, if he gets that far.  Blake, a guy around twenty with blonde hair and brown eyes, ended up beating his opponent Jake, the same age but with brown hair.  

Blake declined to fight Tommy, and I was disappointed, as much as I love my brothers, I wish I had someone besides my brothers to fight against every year.  Sadly, since Tyler or Kyle weren’t officially part of the pack, they couldn’t fight unless they joined.

But then again, just because Blake doesn’t want to fight, doesn’t mean Jake won’t try to beat Tommy so he can be ranked higher.  That also goes for everyone else in the pack.  Sometimes even the younger members will surprise us and climb up the rankings by challenging just one person.

“Are there any other challengers!” my dad screams into crowd, “Step up and name your opponent or forever hold your peace until next year.”

I snorted, peace? What peace? I wish pack life was peaceful. 

“That goes for you to boys,” he adds as he stares at my brothers, “now or until next year.”

I watch them squirm while I pout. Wimps, I can’t even get a decent fight this year.

My dad sighs in disappointment, “Fine, be chickens, man hunt begins when all the participants arrive at the beginning of the woods on the east side.  Carnival stalls are open now so feel free to get something to eat or play games, the game carts are also set up and ready.

I skip over to Kyle and glare at him, “You better have nothing to do with my brothers not wanting to fight this year."  I smile happily with peace being said then add, "let’s go eat and then swing over to the starting line, I want to scope out this year’s competition before it starts."

He grumbles something about mood swings but dutifully follows me as I lead him to food, the magical thing that can get any guy to fall to their knees.  That and marriage, or blowjobs.

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