Chapter 12

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Katy’s POV

“So my mother was telling you about how she and my dad met?” I asked.

He nodded, “Yeah she did.  Is she always straight forward like that? I mean it was a nice story that is pretty good to tell your kids.”

“Yeah she is pretty straight forward,” I agree, “God, my brothers and I were both amazed and tortured from listening to it all the time.  They’re both obviously in love, but hearing it almost every night for a bed time story is not our idea as romantic.”

He chuckled, “I see your point.”

He twined our fingers and we walked on in silence. 

When we made it back to my house, I sighed with relief that I finally got some peace and quiet.  

“Katy! Guess who just showed up!” Timmy screamed excitedly.

I groaned, I spoke to soon. I turned to bury my head into Kyle’s shoulder and let my shoulders slump.

“TYLER is here! He actually came again to visit!” he continued on regardless.

My head snapped up. What? TYLER! “You better not be joking with me little brother.”

He frowned, “Technically I’m older than you.  Just because you’re stronger doesn’t mean you’re older.”

I waved my hand impatiently, “Are you messing with me or not?”

Timmy bounced onto the balls of his feet, “Of course not little sister, why would lie?”

I snorted out a half laugh and a scoff.  He just rolled his eyes and ran out of the house.

“Who’s Tyler?” I heard Kyle growl from behind me.

“Jealous?” I smirked at him. He wrapped his arms around me tighter.

“No,” He denied, “Maybe.” He end up conceding.

I pushed out of his grip and grabbed his hand, “Come on, I’ll take you to him.”

“Katy!” Lexy and Brie came sprinting towards us.

“Did you hear? Tyler is here!” Lexy squealed in delight.

“The man candy has returned!” Brie sighed enthusiastically.

“I know—” I stopped, “I mean, yeah I guess.” And then turned to give Kyle a quick kiss.

They only snickered causing me to huff in annoyance and start dragging Kyle towards the growing noise from the pack coming to great Tyler. 

When we reached the crowd I started to shove myself through while Kyle, Lexy, and Brie trailed in my wake.

“Tyler!” I cried when I finally saw him.  His brown hair had been cut to what looked like a buzz cut, but was starting to grow out again to look puffy.  Emerald green eyes sparkled when they landed on me while a genuine smile grew bigger across his face.

“Kathy!” His smile drew to a smirk while I scowled.  He knew I hated being called Kathy.

A growl rippled out from behind me and Kyle’s arms pushed me behind him.  As I fought to get out from behind my stubborn mate, I saw Tyler’s eyes flash with annoyance before settling on amusement. 

“It’s good to see you too Kyle,” Tyler said, then on a forethought he added, “I guess I can’t ask you how my dad is doing anymore.”

Since it was apparent that I was never going to be able to get around Kyle, I decided to instead just climb up his back and look over his shoulder.

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