Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to All my readers

Katy’s POV

“Katy!” I heard Kyle scream.

I ignored him and focused all my energy into saving my own neck— literally.  Without a second more hesitation, I reached up and put both hands into Tyler’s jaws and put as much pressure as I could in separating them. 

Even if I couldn’t pry them apart enough and shove him away, I at least wanted his teeth out of my neck, only Kyle could have his mouth there. 

Within seconds, the small edges of teeth were out and the scent of copper blood was thick in the air as the wounds were now open.

Kyle snarled and then Tyler was off me.

“Katy!” I heard another voice call out.

I turned toward the entrance of the hospital and there stood my dad and the rest of my brothers.  Behind them, my mom pushed passed them all and ran over to me and brought me into her arms. 

“My baby girl.” She cooed and hugged me closer.

“I’m fine, mom, really.” I told her. 

After a couple of more moments, I pushed away from her and looked for Kyle.   His teeth were in Tyler’s throat. Not a second later, Tyler was also dead alongside Neill.  I felt my shoulders sag in relief. It was all over, at least it was until I heard my mother let out a ragged scream.  Glancing up, I realized that I have forgot about saving Cameron.

“No, no, no!” I heard someone scream. Whether it was my mother or myself, I’ll never know but I remember lurching forward at the same time my mom did.  The damage was so much worse now. My brother decided to take the second option of what would happen if the bullet wasn’t removed fast enough:  Instead of the hallucinations, the wolf will start convulsing before changing back to the human form.  The transformation usually heals us, but if the silver is embedded, then the human form will go into epileptic shock after the change and finally go still as the body starts to shut down.  Even if the bullet was removed during any of this, it’s highly likely that the shifter will die. 

And if by some miracle he did live, there would be no telling what kind of damage he would have.

She got to him first and pulled him her arms. “My baby boy, don’t leave me please, my little baby boy.”

“Adrianna, let him go, we need to get that bullet out of him.” my father said gently prying her fingers off Cameron. 

I gently pulled away Cam from my mom and laid him onto the floor.  His lips were so, so pale as was his face as well.  His chest also barely moved as he struggled to breathe in enough air.  Blood from his left shoulder was gliding down his chest and and soaking into the remaining tatters of shirt.

Without hesitation, I parted the tattered remains of the shirt and dug two of my fingers into the wound.

He never made a sound the whole time as I dug into his shoulder. There wasn’t even a whimper when I found the bullet, which had caused it to press against the tender tissue that yet to be been shredded.

Using my nails, short that they were, I clenched them around the bullet and pulled it out of his left shoulder blade. As soon as it was out, I could hear the hissing sound of the skin that had come in contact with the bullet again.

“Now what?” I asked.  His wound wasn’t healing and he had lost a lot of blood already.  “What do I do?” I cried out, “What do I do now?”

I looked to my father’s face with tears now streaming down my face.  “What do I do?!” I screamed while pulling his head into my lap. Cameron’s breaths were getting smaller and shorter.

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