Chapter 20

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omg i got to twenty chapters *insert happy dance here*

Kyle’s POV

Turns out I couldn’t just go looking for my mate.  I had to be first chewed out by Steven because I wasn’t watching her. 

“She promised she wasn’t going anywhere!” I yelled at him.  I didn’t even care if he was the standing Alpha right now, I just wanted to get her back before any real harm comes to her.

“You should know by now that my daughter twists her words.” He replies in a snarky voice.

“You can just go shove it! I’ve known her for less than a week! I know that you think that I’m not good enough for your daughter, but guess what!? I love her and every second that you stand here in front of me her scent gets weaker and weaker because you want to snap about how the world isn’t revolving around you right now.” I shout at him finally snapping.  No longer caring about this conversation, I shoved past him and stalked out of the house.

“Kyle, wait up!” a voice called out from back inside the house.

I looked over my shoulder to see Cameron jogging to catch up with me.  I slowed down marginally but I keep moving along with Katy’s scent that was still slightly sticking to the air. 

“I’m going to help you look.” He tells me.

I grunt.  Unsurprisingly, we’re led into the wood.  I should have known she would have gone to see Tyler.  She’s going to be a good Alpha when she takes over, but she won’t be any good if she’s dead because she doesn’t realize that she’s walking into a trap.

“Can you smell her at all?” I ask Cameron.  Her scent is getting fainter and fainter but I can still pick it out easily.

He inhales but shakes his head, “Every time the wind blows I’ll get a slight indication that she’s been here but then it’s gone.”

All of the sudden I stopped.  Her scent’s changed. Now it’s tinged with fear.  I grab on to that with all my might and go crashing after it.  It’s still dark out but my wolf was helping me to not fall flat on my face.

Cam seemed to understand and silently kept up with me.  Not long after that, I ended up falling to the ground in despair when her scent just ends.  It just ends.  Although, Tyler’s scent is still everywhere in the air and there are also the tire tracks of a vehicle in the dirt.

I was just beginning to follow them when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Cam shaking his head. 

“I’m betting that those tracks lead off the mountain.  You won’t be able to follow them anyways once that happens.  That and it would look strange to the humans if they see a single man coming out of the woods.  We should go back to the pack and see if we can get some of the enforcers under my dad to follow the rest of the trail.

I snarl at him.  I wouldn’t be able to just sit still while others looked for my mate. “There is no way I’m going back, I need to look for Katy.”

He shrugs, “You aren’t going to do Katy any good by exhausting yourself by trying to look for her.  Let the pack do the searching and you can go rescue her once she is located.”

Thinking about, I realize that he’s right.  Slowly, I pull myself up to a standing position.  “Fine, but I want to know everything they report.”

Cam nods with understanding, “I’ll come find you if something comes up.” 

Again the wolf slams against my restraints; quickly I bury it so deep that I can barely even feel the connection itself.  Hopefully Katy will be in my arms again soon.

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