08 | changing room

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riley's pov

i muster myself in the mirror of the changing room, trying to decide if i should buy this dress or not. it's a dark blue one, almost black and pretty tight but it didn't exactly fit at my chest area which is pretty embarrassing to me.

after a few moments and taking a picture i send to some of my friends on snapchat to ask them for their opinion i realise that the reason why it didn't fit is because it has a zipper i can't reach.

"emily?," i yell, knowing that my sister is waiting in front of the little changing room since she told me so, but i'm not getting an answer so i decide to just go look for her.

i open the door while looking on my phone, not focused on what's in front of me. "hey emily could you please zip my-" i look up and immediately blush. that's not emily standing in front of me.

"i'm pretty sure i'm not the person you're looking for," the guy says and i laugh awkwardly. damn, this is embarrassing.

"yeah, sorry. i'm looking for my sister," i answer. i must look like a total fool with the still opened dress that exposes the holders of my dark red bra and makes me look like some kind of loser since it doesn't really fit. and that's especially so bad because the guy is incredibly hot.

"oh, well i can help you with your dress," he says and shrugs and i give him a surprised look. this dude has a lot of confidence. "i mean i don't have to," he adds quickly when he sees me hesitating.

i shrug, trying to act as cool as he does. "no, no it's fine, thank you." my heart is already racing in my chest and he hasn't even touched me yet.

i see him smirk before i turn around so that my back faces him. then i put my hair aside so he can see the zipper and a moment later i feel his hands on my back, giving me shivers. him zipping the dress probably only took about a few seconds but it felt like time froze for a while.

"done!" he smiles proudly as i turn around again, making me laugh.

"thank you," i says and smile at him. "i'm riley by the way."

"james," he answeres and smiles back. dang, he's really cute.

"riley?" i hear emilys voice yell. "have you tried it on y-" in that moment she enters the room and sees me and james. "oh."

i blush immediately. should i introduce them to each other? i've just learned his name himself, i don't want to make it awkward. well, more awkward then it already is.

she slowly stops scanning him and starts looking at me, then finally forgetting the fact that a random guy is standing next to me and smiling. "you look incredible, you should totally get the dress!"

i nod and smile back. "i will, just let me ch-"

this time i'm the one getting interrupted by one of the changing room doors opening. "hey james do  you- emily?," a female voice says and we all turn around.

a girl around my sisters age is standing there with long brown hair and a beautiful red dress on and just looks really gorgeous.

"oh my god, ashley?," my sister exclaims excited and pulls that girl into a hug. the name sounds familiar, but i can't remember where i've heard it before. i take a inconspicuous glance to james and he seems to be just as confused as i am.

"we were in middle school together," emily finally explains. "but then ashley had to repeat a grade while i was in high school so we never really saw each other anymore."

oh, now i remember her, her and emily used to be inseparable. i smile at her and nod, now finally understanding who she is. but what does ashley have to do with james?

"that's my little brother james," she explains as if she was reading my mind. james scoffs at the little which makes me giggle quitely, then blushing again when i notice them looking at me.

"i'm riley, emilys sister," i announce quickly to distract from my awkwardness.

ashley smiles friendly. "nice to meet you."

"we totally need to catch up," emily squeaks and ashley nods excited. they decide we're all going to get luch after this shop, meaning i would spend more time with james.

after a few minutes in which we decide to meet again in front of the store so we can search a restaurant to go to, i'm back in the changing room and try to calm myself down since i've been really nervous before which is mostly james fault.

but i mean can you blame me? he's incredibly hot, really cute, sweet and kind and funny. how can you not like him? i just hope he doesn't think too bad of me but even if he would i couldn't blame him either since i was literally the most awkward person ever.

after changing back into my own clothes which are a high waisted jeans and a black shirt which is tugged in, paying for the dress i tried on and leaving the store with em i see james and ashley again already waiting for us.

"that james guy is really cute," emily whispers to me when they're still too far to understand us. "go get him, sister."

i laugh loudly and just want to protest but in that moment we stand in front of the two of them and emily links arms with ashley leaving me walking behind them next to james.

"you look really pretty," he confesses and smiles softly. i laugh.

"thank you, you look really great yourself."

soon the conversation between us isn't even awkward anymore and i find out that he goes to a school near mine and that he plays the drums and dances, just like me. he's 18 which makes him a year older than me but it's actually just a few months since i was born near the end of 1999 and he at the beginning of 1998.

he seems like a really sweet guy and i feel like we could become great friends. even though our conversation did contain a lot of flirting.

"what was the dress you bought today for by the way?," he asks curiously when we enter the small restaurant the two girls chose for us all. he seems like a really honest and confident person to me and i really like that about him.

"a party emily is throwing," i explain and then think for a second. "i'm sure emily invited ashley so would you like to join her?"

my heart is beating a little faster since i'm scared he's gonna reject me. but he chuckles and nods.

"yeah, sure. how about i give you my number and you can send me your address and stuff?," he says with a wink and i smile.

"sounds great."

i kind of want to write a second part but i'm not sure yet:) not proof read by the way

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