30 | wingwoman - part 2

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the two of them left the club, still holding hands as james was leading her to his car. while doing so riley turned around a few times, once again doubting if she made the right decision.

james noticed and he turned around to her and chuckled. "do you always worry this much?"

even though the question was light riley nodded seriously because it was true. she always worried about everything and overthought every situation she found herself in.

"what are you worried about then?" he wondered. he was the opposite and always kept a cool head.

"well, first of all i'm getting into a car with someone i barely know. and then i didn't even talk to the guy michelle is talking to," riley explained some of her worries.

"you can trust me. and if you trust me you can also trust justin since he's my best friend. you have nothing to worry about," james tried to calm the girl down.

"i don't know about that," riley mumbled, mostly joking.

"come on, you said i didn't give you creep vibes," james defended himself, offended by her words. that made the girl whose hand he was holding giggle.

they reached his car and let go of each other's hand as riley got into the passenger seat and james in the drivers seat.

"you didn't drink, right?" riley asked warily.

but james shook his head. "designated driver. how did you get here?"

"by bus," she answered. "where are we even going?"

"i was thinking of this park by the pond?" he suggested. he'd been there a few times before but not during the night and it was a peaceful place where they could get to know each other.

riley nodded, not knowing which park he meant but being okay with it either way. then the car was filled with silence for a moment. riley was nervously playing with the rings on her fingers while james focused on driving. this was a new situation for her and she wasn't sure how to deal with it. she pressured herself into finding a topic for them to talk about and it lead to her not being able to think of anything.

eventually riley gave up on trying to figure out what to say and focused on the radio that was quietly playing instead. when she realized that it was one of her favorite songs so she leaned forward to turn it up.

"i love this song," she excitedly told him. she started swaying to the music and quietly singing along.

james glanced at her as often as he could while still being a responsible driver with a smile on his face. he thought it was adorable and was happy to see her relax a little.

soon enough he stopped the car and they found themselves at a park that was covered only covered by dim light due to the few lanterns that were there. it was completely empty and they made their way over to one of the benches that allowed them to look at the pond.

"the air here is certainly a lot better than in the club," jame chuckled.

"one of the worst things about clubbing," riley agreed, shuddering at the thought of the mix of sweat and alcohol they smelled there.

"so there's more? i'll take a wild guess and assume you aren't the biggest fan of clubs."

the girl shrugged. "they're alright but i never go without a reason."

"what was the reason tonight?"

"michelle got a promotion at her job," riley explained.

"what do you work as?" he asked. he wanted to get to know as much as possible about her.

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