21 | questions

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it was a pretty exhausting day for riley and james, they taught a class at the studio together, helped choreographing a choreography for a j-troupe competition and riley helped kate with some paper stuff in her office. after riley took over the studio for a year kate came back to lead the team to nationals and riley was really relieved because the pressure really got to her; but when kate offered her, james and some other old a-troppers who were still in town to help her at the studio by teaching classes and in general with running the studio she didn't say no.

it was still stressful sometimes like on that day so the couple decided to relax a little in their living room. riley's head was laying on james' lap, facing the celing while she was on her phone which she held above of her. james meanwhile was watching tv while he ran his fingers through riley's hair. but he couldn't focus on what he was watching. he had been thinking a lot lately and he needed to share those thoughts with his girlfriend.


"hm?," the blonde made, not bothering to look up from her phone. 

"can i ask you something?," james asked, not exactly nervous but more curious.

she didn't really think anything big was going to come next so she just nodded. "anything."

"will you marry me?"

suddenly riley got  up from his lap and put her phone away so she sat next to him. "what?," she asked and chuckled slightly.

"you heard me," the drummer insisted. it probably sounded weird to her but to him it made perfectly sense to ask that. they've been a couple for so long and it was about time to talk about what should happen next.

"is this a proposal?," riley asked confused. they have never talked about marrying before, apart from jokes and their parents questions when they finally would marry. she could definitely imagine it and 22 wasn't that bad of an age to marry, but this question came out of the blue for her.

"no, no, no," james quickly said and she breathed out. she wouldn't have admitted it but she imagined something more romantic as a proposal. "i'm just wondering. would you marry me if i would propose?"

she shrugged. "depends on why you're asking." she gave him a cheeky wink and he laughed quietly.

"who knows, maybe i have something planned."

the truth was he didn't. but he really wanted to be able to call riley his fiancée and at some point his wife as he realised a few days before that conversation. and he felt ready. even their friend's and families thought it was about time. but since him and riley never had a serious conversation about it he didn't know where riley stood in all of that.

"i mean we've known each other for like 10 years now, have been dating for 5 of them and know each other inside out." his eyes lighten up as he spoke and it made him realise how excited he actually was. "don't you think we could go a step futher?"

riley bit her lip. "james, are you sure this isn't just the tiredness talking out of you?" she didn't see his serious side that often and she wanted to make sure he's sure about this.

"i'm serious, riles."

she giggled. "wouldn't my answer ruin the whole surprise for when you'd actually ask me?"

he tickled her playfully, causing herr to giggle even more. "i think i could live with that."

"too bad i couldn't," she answered casually and took her phone into her hands again to signale him that's her final answer.

he groaned. "oh c'mon, at least give me a hint."

she turned her head towards him again, feeling a little sorry. "would i ditch you?"

"i don't know, that's what i'm trying to find out," he mumbled and she laughed, thinking it's adorable.

"just know that i love you and that i want to spend the rest of my life with you." she pressed a quick kiss against his lips before getting up and going upstairs since she wanted to go to sleep, but james yelling something before she could enter the bathroom upstairs made her stop.

"is that a yes?," he asked excited and she just laughed.

"i don't know, looks like you're gonna have to find out yourseelf," she yelled back before closing the door, leaving james with a huge grin on his face downstairs.


really short, not proof read and kinda boring but here's some jiley fluff:)

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