13 | trust

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my phone turns on next to me on the table of the office and i take a look at it. new text messages!, it says and i slide over it and type in my password to read it.

james: hey babe, want me to pick you up after rehearsals? the band rehearsals will take just as long x

i smile before frowning slightly.

me: hey, thanks for the offer but i have to stay longer :(

james: i can wait. i feel like we barley see each other anymore and i wanted to take you somewhere before bringing you home

i sigh. he's way too kind with me but him staying longer is an awful idea.

me: i really appreciate it babe but it'll take really long so it would be better if you go home once you finished and i drive by bus

then i quickly turn my phone off, not wanting to talk about it any longer. the longer we talk the more questions he'll ask and the more questions he'll ask the more answers he'll get and i don't want him to get mad over nothing and just avoid unnecessary drama so i stand up and walk into the studio. the team is currently dancing the regionals routine i choreographed for the first group round. they're all copying the dance captain's actions in the front and i smile satisfied as i watch them, leaning against the door frame.

"that was amazing," i say loudly and clap my hands to get everyone's attention once the music stops. "you all deserve a little break, let's say for 10 minutes, before we go through the routine again and this time i'll be correcting in the front."

everybody nods and i see some of them pat each others shoulders or giving each other high fives while still breathing heavily while others immediately use the time to get their water bottle or to go downstairs to get juice before i turn around and decide to join that last group. i grab my phone and my keys out of my office before going into the juice bar where i see michelle sitting on a table pretty much in the center of the room so i buy a juice before i sit down across of her and send her a smile which she returns.

"hey, what's up?," i ask casually. we don't really get to talk that much lately and it's really a shame since we used to have so much fun together.

"not much, just the usual," she answers with a shrug and then continues our little small talk until behind michelle a certain black haired a-troupe member walks by, not noticing us as he orders a juice.

"i've been meaning to ask you, is james mad that you have duet rehearsals with alfie tonight?," michelle asks curiously and raises a brow at me as she notices alfie too. "after everything that happened, you know."

i sigh. "he would be if he knew."

"riley!," the blonde haired girl reproaches. "you can't just not tell him, did you not learn from your mistakes?"

"but why would i tell him? it's nothing, just duet rehearsals with my student."

"yeah, the student who tried to kiss you and has a massive crush on you and who'd take any chance he'd get to break you and james up."

i roll my eyes. "you're overreacting. i'll just come up with an excuse why i had to stay longer and then-"

"well, you better come up with an excuse fast because he's coming in three." i give her a shocked look, trying to think of what i'm going to say to him. "two." michelle grabs the bottle of juice that's still half full was standing in front of her on the table while getting up. "and - one, see you in the studio in 5." with that she walks out of the juice bar, nodding at james when she walks past him.

"hey babe," he says with a grin on his face and takes a seat on where michelle just sat.

i give him a forced smile. "hey. don't you have rehearsals?"

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