09 | famous

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riley's pov

"riley, hurry up!," my younger sister maya yells from downstairs. i sigh as i grab my bag and run to her so she doesn't flip out even more.

my thirteen year old sister is wearing a white shirt with the words "lost and found" on it and a black pair of jeans in which she tugged the shirt in. her long brown hair is straightened and she's wearing make up. she looks really beautiful but you can see that it took her a lot of extra time in the bathroom.

she grins when she sees me and then runs to my car excitedly. "i can't wait to finally meet lost and found," she squeaks as i open the car doors and we both enter. "i can finally see luke in real life and be face to face with him, i'm finally meeting my future husband!"

i laugh. "isn't he like my age?"

"yeah, but age is just a number, right?," my 5 years younger says with a shrug.

"just like the ages he would have to spend in prison for dating you," i mumble sarcastically.

the only reason why i agreed to drive and take care of my sister at the mall where her favorite band is doing a little meeting for fans which is actually pretty sweet considering that they're really famous, is because our mom asked me for it. and because i was a teenager too or still am one and i know how she feels, we all have out little obsessions.

for the rest of the car ride i can listen to maya talking about how hot the band members are and how talented they are, how underrated this josh or john guy is and how bad she wants to marry luke. so when we finally arrive i'm really relieved since it was starting to really get on my nerves.

"do i really have to come in with you?" i sigh. i could just go into the mall meanwhile and look for new clothes but maya shakes her head.

"no, under 16 you're only allowed to enter with a person over 18," she explains and i sigh again.


as soon as we enter the mall we see tons of girls around my sisters age but surprisingly also around my age, wearing merch of that band my sister is going to meet and all of them are going into one direction so we decide to follow them.

we end up in a huge crowd of people who are all standing in front of a table on which the four band members sit. i can't really see anything since we're very far from them but i'm sure it's them because all the people who are wearing their merch and many others are screaming, including my sister.

i sigh annoyed. if i would've known it's going to be this many loud and obsessed teenagers i probably would've rethought my decision and just convince emily to drive her.

i pull my phone out of my pocket and try to distract myself with it but it hardly works since people keep bumping into me, my sister pulls me closer to the front of the crowd since more and more people got their pictures and left and it's just really, really loud.

"only five more people," maya says excited and plays with her fingers nervously. now i finally take my eyes off the phone and look up to see the famous band members.

on the left there's a guy with a grey beanie and a beautiful smile who seems really sweet. i forgot his name but he must be one of the guitarists since he's holding a guitar on the poster that hangs behind them. next to him there's a blonde guy and his name should be something with t-, maya keeps talking about how adorable he is all the time. then, next to him there's the drummer of the band. i'm not sure of his name but i know that maya keeps talking about how hot he is and i have to admit she wasn't wrong. then on the right there's the famous luke my sister loves probably more than she loves me.

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