28 | appreciation

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it all started about a year ago when james got a job at a record label. him and his band originally tried to get the label to sign them but they didn't succeed and it was the last straw that lead to the band breaking up. not because of a fight or anything vicious but just because they were growing up and saw that the band wouldn't lead anywhere. it still pained james though so of course riley was there for him.

they talked a lot about the future and james, who was never a fan of growing up realized that it was time for him to do just that. the couple spent entire nights cuddling and talking in their bed or sitting on their couch while taking online quizzes about which career was right for james. dance was always more of a hobby to him while music was something he was more passionate about so when he talked to a friend he made at the record label while trying to get them to sign his band and that friend offered him to try working at that label he felt incredibly grateful.

with no experience but a lot of motivation he started working an intern position and being his typical charming self he managed to work himself up higher and higher.

riley watched with a lot of pride and support for james but she couldn't help but notice how their relationship started suffering more and more over the time. he started staying later, making new friends and constantly thinking about work which barely left time for his girlfriend. it all fell apart when he finally reached a position he was satisfied with.

he claimed he had to work even harder now to make sure he can keep the job since he had a lot less experience and qualifications than everyone around him which riley understood but she had a limit and it was reached after two months in that position.

in the first two weeks she told herself he just started working there. he's consumed by it and wants to spend his time there. it was understandable. so when she only saw him ten hours in the entire week she dealt with it and continued supporting him. however, two more weeks passed and ten hours turned into eight. she didn't really understand it anymore. but she thought that she's busy too and she was to blame for a lot of the hours in which they didn't see each other so it was okay. plus it was still the first month. but then the second month started. she would wake up to the sound of the coffee maker and when she got up he would give her a kiss on top of her head and walk out the door. when she got home from work he still wasn't home even if she left way later than him. she would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of him walking into the room but she didn't even bother opening her eyes most of the time. on saturdays she would be excited to finally spend a day with him again but he had a business meeting. on sundays she would hope for the same but he was stuck at his desk with a pen in one hand and the phone in the other one.

it was today when she realised that they haven't talked to each other in three days and it was today when she got two suitcases from under their bed and started packing.

she feels numb while doing so and doesn't even notice how much time passes while she keeps stuffing the suitcases with her clothes and other essentials until the bedroom door opens.

an exhausted james walks in that wants to do nothing but throw himself onto their bed and sleep until he sees what's going on in front of him. he stops in his steps and confusion is written all over his features. "what are you doing?"

"what do you think i'm doing?" an emotionless sounding riley replies, not looking up from what she's doing.

james chuckles in disbelief. he's starting to realize what's going on but is mostly still confused. "tell me what you're doing," he demands.

riley stops in her tracks but she still doesn't look up. "i'm moving out."

"are you serious?" when he doesn't get an answer he continues still barely believing what's happening. "can you tell me what the hell is going on?" he takes a step foward.

jiley | one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now