24 | the song

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it was a sunny saturday evening and riley was on her way home after going shopping with a good friend of hers. she had to take the bus and even though it was really crowded she still found a free seat where she sat down. she had earphones in her ears that were covered by her short brown-blonde hair and a tiny smile was on her lips as she stared out of the window and felt like she was in her own world.

that's why she didn't notice everything around her, especially the young man sitting across of her. his name was james and he was on no specific way anywhere. he was actually just looking for inspiration. he had to write a song for his band but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. he wrote the same sentence over and over again, threw his drum sticks against the wall in frustration and then picked them up again just to repeat the action. at some point he couldn't bare it anymore so he took his notebook, a pen and his drum sticks and entered the first bus he saw. which happened to be the same one as the one riley entered.

james sighed and took his eyes off the window. he thought that maybe this wouldn't help after all and thought about just going home again but when he looked up to check what station the bus was at his eyes caught the beautiful stranger across of him. he could barley look away once he saw her because she really was one of the most beautiful girls he has ever seen. and suddenly he changed his mind about leaving the bus and he opened his notebook again.

riley was still staring out of the window but suddenly the reflection of the person caught her eye. she saw he was looking at her so she tried to casually look at his reflection instead of him in person and she couldn't help but hide the smile that appeared on her face with a lip bite. he was cute. really cute actually and the fact that he has been staring at her made her smile even wider.

james noticed her smile and it made his heart beat a little faster. it was adorable. just like her. so he finally closed his notebook and gave her an expectant look. she noticed it and gave him a confused look right into his eyes but then quickly turned away which made james laugh.

"i'm james," he introduced himself confidently and riley finally looked directly at him.

"riley," she replied, trying to sound just as confident.

he nodded and suddenly started writing into his notebook again which left riley pretty confused.

"you know," she started. "it's not very nice to start a conversation and then drop it immediately. it's worse than leaving someone on read."

james looked up to her again and chuckled. she couldn't help but grin as well.

"sorry, but i swear i had to write down something important."

"is that so?"


"and what might that be?," she asked curiously and tried to catch a look into the book but he quickly closed it which caused her to pout.


he smiled. "do you know what curiosity did to the cat?"

she rolled her eyes.

"i'm writing a song," the drummer explained while laughing quietly.

rileys eyes brightened. she didn't write music herself nor did she play an instrument if you look past the few piano lessons she took in middle school but she was still a big fan of it. so the fact that the flirty stranger she just met wrote a song made her pretty excited.

"can i read it?"

he hesitated for a moment. "not yet."

"are you famous?"

"again, not yet," he laughed.

"confident," she replied and raised her eyebrow.

"what can i say, this might be my breakthrough song."

"what is it about?"

he chuckled, then he explained that she was the inspiration to writing it. he wasn't ashamed but he did think it's ironic.

"well, i feel very honoured," riley said, a little overtaxed with the fact that someone she didn't even know until like half an hour ago wrote a song about her but she decided to just go with it. "however, the next stop is mine so i really need to get going. can you send me the song when you're done with it?"

her heart was beating fast, she couldn't believe she just asked a stranger for his phone number. in a very hidden way but she still did it.

"or even better, i can text you the place you can go to to actually listen to it being performed by my friends and i," james suggested smoothly and already wrote his phone number on a paper of the notebook.

"i'd like that," the girl replied and accepted the paper he just ripped out before getting up and leaving the bus after saying goodbye to him.

james kept sitting in the bus, writing and writing until he basically got kicked out of the bus because it reached its destination, having completely forgotten about his writers block.


so so so sorry for my inactivity but man i really have no idea what to write about lmao, ever since they aren't on tns anymore i just ran out of ideas so i either don't update at all or with shitty aus like this. however, i really appreaciate all the positive feedback im getting for this book, it's kinda the only reason why i'm still writing so thank you for that! see you hopefully really soon unless i run out of ideas again, but i might write a second part of thissss

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