16 | diary entry

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i sigh when i put my bag into the same chubby as last year in studio b. i really hoped today i would be in a-troupe with my sister and all our friends but sadly it didn't work out for me. i'm not too disappointed because i know i'm a year younger than the others and kate told me i should just try next year again but i have to work harder than ever because i don't want to go through this again and i really want to be with my sister.

"hey riley, wanna join us?," chloe says behind me and i turn around and smile when i see her on the floor warming up with west, who is new here. her, stephanie, giselle & tiffany are my closest studio friends next to emily of course and all of them made it into a-troupe unless us two which of course sucks for us but at least doesn't leave us alone.

"sure," i answer and sit down with them. i get to know west a little which is really fun because he's a really great guy; extremely funny and really kind.

until at some point the door opening makes me look up. beth and james come into the room, both of them flirting with each other, making me look away quickly. i think james is pretty cute and i really like his personality just like his dance style but sadly he seems like a total player. i don't really know him yet since this is his first official day but i've heard and seen a lot.

however, i can't focuse on that. i need to focuse on dance and only dance if i want to get on a-troupe next year. so i do that for the rest of the rehearsals try to zone out how james flirts with all the b-troupe girls for the whole time.

but i couldn't hold back a few eye rolls. i'm not exactly mad at him and these girls but i just think it's stupid how all of them have this huge opportunity to dance here and instead of practicing spend their time flirting.

at some point i decide to take a break and go to squeezed with chloe, mostly because i know a-troupe is having a break right now either so i can meet emily and my friends downstairs. once we arrive we already see them in our usual spot in the juice bar.

"hey guys!," i say to get their attention since they're facing away from me.

"riley!," my sister replys happily and pulls me in a hug. "how was it in b-troupe?"

i greet all the others too just like chloe before sitting down on the couch with them. "same old," i answer with a shrug. "how is a-troupe, though? is it very different?"

this is the first year any of us has gotten into a-troupe and even though it wasn't me it's still very exciting.

"it's amazing! i already got voted dance captain," my sister announces proudly and i congratulate her. i wish i was this popular and confident. her and the others continue to tell about a-troupe before stephanie interrupts them.

"who is this guy?," she asks curiously and points at someone behind me. i turn around and sigh when i see james walk in with beth and some other girl whose name i don't know by his side.

"james. he already was here yesterday, auditioning for a-troupe. it's his first day," i explain and try to sound as uninterested as possible.

"yo james, i thought you're dating that elite girl amanda," eldon yells from across the juice bar and i can hear james chuckle.

"nah man, not anymore."

i try my best not to roll my eyes at him. he was so nice yesterday, why did he turn into such a show off?

"wait, do you like him?," tiffany asks gossipy when she sees how annoyed i got and my eyes widen.

"what? no! he's a total player and-," i stop myself when i see he's walking towards our table, not wanting him to hear all of this.

"hey ladies," he says flirty and i quickly look down, not wanting him to notice me. i don't know if he already noticed me yesterday the way i did with him or if he noticed me in rehearsals a few minutes ago but i just hope he doesn't talk to me.

"can we help you?," emily asks annoyed and i once again feel jealous that she has been blessed with all the confidence while i'm a shy mess.

"i was just wondering if you, riley, could show me that dance move in studio b later at rehearsals? you know, the one where you had to all the way down," he mocks me and i immediately get mad.

he's such a pervert. i roll my eyes and he starts laughing before walking away, making me even madder. i thought he was cute and goofy yesterday but now all i see is a player.

"get lost!," emily yells after him before rolling her eyes too.

i clear my throat and get up. "i think it's time for me to leave anyways, i need to work hard if i want to go to a-troupe next year."

emily smiles at me and nods. "yeah, it's time for us to leave too. just remember i'm proud of you no matter what, riles." she presses my hand when i walk past her causing me to smile before going upstairs with chloe to go back to rehearsing.

lol i tried to write this like a 14 year old riley would think, idk if it worked though. really bad one again but i'm starting to work on some better ones x

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