Chapter Eleven - Such a Cinnamon Roll

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        It had been several weeks since Gilen had legally been placed under your care and protection. Spring had come and gone like a breeze, ushering summer in with its absence. Your house wasn't as rowdy as you had expected it to be after the addition of Gilen. Oliver was happy to have him around while Matt was indifferent about the situation, or rather that's what he wanted you to believe. Luciano on the other hand openly expressed his dislike for what he claimed to be as another competitor for your heart. His notion seemed rather incorrect in your eyes though.

        From what you had observed, Gilen was nothing more than an innocent slime creature. You always found him hanging around Oliver or yourself, typically helping Oliver with cupcake decorations while he just wanted to be around you in general. He never attacked anyone in the house since then except for one time when Luciano came out of the bath, which was actually really funny to both you and Matthieu. Oliver found it slightly amusing but was worried about the situation nonetheless. Another thing you had noticed about Gilen was that he rarely talked. Whether it was that he didn't have the brain capacity to know to talk past a word or two or if he just didn't like to talk, you weren't sure. The ways he attempted to communicate though were absolutely adorable.

        He was always careful not to get your clothing wet if he needed to show or tell you something. If you were wearing long sleeves for whatever reason, he'd try to tap or touch your hand lightly. If you were wearing something that he deemed expensive, like a nice dress for a business meeting, he wouldn't dare come near you. Instead, he'd call you by the nickname he had given you, Liebling. It was a German word that meant darling, so you assumed he was from that region of the world. Aside from that, it was one of the few words that he spoke, and his voice was so quiet that it was cute. You wished that he would speak more often, just so you could listen to him talk in that tiny, almost shy sounding, voice. He was usually the one to wake you up nowadays, in which he would touch your forehead gently with his usually cold hand and say his nickname for you once or twice.

         You typically woke up a few moments later and always offered him a small smile. Today was no exception. Gilen stood by your bedside a bit awkwardly in his green and yellow raincoat and boots. He knew deep down that waking you wasn't a nice thing to do, and he hated that he did it all the time. It was either he did it or one of the other boys did, and quite frankly he didn't want them to do it. He saw how they treated you and didn't like it one bit. All of the unwanted touches they'd give you and the uncomfortable glances you'd send were proof enough to him that you preferred if they didn't do what they did. Gilen was smarter than the average slime because of this. He knew right from wrong, but certain concepts such as nudity and sex were foreign to him. Nudity didn't both him, and he had never heard of what sex was. Such an innocent monster boy he was.

         Anyway, Gilen was contemplating leaving you sleep in today, but decided against it. He knew that you had plans with one of the other males of the house. He didn't want you to be late for it, so he reached out his one pale bluish white hand and placed it on your forehead.

         "Liebling," he called softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

         You were unresponsive, still out cold in your sleep.

         "Liebling," he called again a bit louder.

         "... Hmm...?" you hummed.

         Your eyes slowly fluttered open. You blinked a few times in an attempt to let your eyes adjust to the dim lighting of your bedroom. Judging by how dark it still was, you guessed that the sun hadn't risen yet. You could eventually see in the darkness and saw the outline of Gilen and the faint glow of his slime. Ah yes. Gilen's slime was partially glow in the dark, which you found to be rather cool.

         "Good morning Gil..." you said in a tired tone as you gave him a smile of equal tiredness.

         "... Guten Morgen..." he replied hesitantly.

         Your smile widened a bit more. He said more than one word to you for once. That's good. It meant progress on his part. You turned your attention to the analog alarm clock on your nightstand.

        "5:43 AM...? Why did you wake me so early...?"

        Gilen was silent, a guilty look on his face. He hung his head. He felt bad now. You furrowed your brows in a slight upset expression.

        "It's okay Gil. I don't mind. Just let me get a quick shower, and I'll come downstairs. We can do something together until the others get up. Sound like a plan?"

        The slime boy nodded and retracted his hand. You gave him another smile before getting up. Gilen shuffled out of the room to give you your privacy and walked downstairs like he was instructed to. You took a quick shower as promised and did the rest of your daily morning bathroom routine before going to your closet to get dressed. You picked out a pair of black shorts, a tank top of the same color, and a (f/c) pull over hoodie. Your slippers found their way on to your feet before leaving your room, not without your cell phone of course. You padded down the halls and stairs until reached the living room.

        Gilen was sat on the couch, twiddling his thumbs all the while. It was a bit of a nervous habit for him. Ever since he began learning about these inappropriate touches you receive from the others he had become rather shy around you. Thinking about the bathroom incident when he first met you was embarrassing to him, so everyone in your house mutually decided to never speak of it again unless absolutely necessary.

        You sat down next to him without hesitation. Gilen stopped twiddling his thumbs and looked at you with his blue eyes. His gaze shifted to the small drawer in the coffee table. You knew what he wanted to do. You opened the drawer and pulled out a deck of laminated playing cards and shuffled them. Gilen couldn't play with regular playing cards since the cardboard-like material became soggy from him holding it, so you laminated a deck of cards so he could play. He smiled a bit as you dealt out the cards to play a game of Rummy. He was rather fond of that game for some reason. Well, that and Go Fish, but you didn't have a problem with that. You found his somewhat childish nature to be cute.

        The two of you played a couple rounds until Gilen reached five hundred points, effectively winning the game. You were close with four hundred sixty-five points. You congratulated him on his win with a chaste kiss to his cheek. His slime seemed to take on a slight rosy glow in his cheek area. You giggled as he looked away, pulling up the hood of his raincoat in an attempt to hide his face from you. You placed a hand on his shoulder before moving in to give him a hug. He returned it, then offered you the deck of cards to shuffle. He wanted to play again. You smiled and took the cards, shuffling them before starting another game. The two of you played until seven o'clock, which is when the rest of the house occupants began to wake up. You heard someone approach the two of you, but you didn't dare look. You were so concentrated on your hand of cards that when they spoke it startled you.

        "Good. You're awake and it seems like you're dressed. Is that what you're going to wear on our date?"

~Author's Note~

DreamsForDays here! I apologize for how short this chapter is compared to the others. I've been getting a bunch of homework lately from school and haven't have much time to write. Aside from that though, here's a bit of Gilen being adorable with Reader-chan. On to translations!

Translations: All German

Liebling - Darling

... Guten Morgen... - ... Good morning...

That's all of them! One final thing is who do you think Reader-chan is going on a date with? I'll leave you all with that. Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!

Daily Life with Monster Boys (Monster! 2p! Various x Famous! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now