Chapter Nine - Not So Dangerous

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        The slime boy stared at you with his dark blue eyes. You stared right back at him with you own (e/c) hues. The two of you stayed that way for awhile until he hugged you. You were a bit startled and tried to wiggle out of his grip but ended up falling onto the floor with him on top of you. Your face was buried in his chest, literally. You couldn't breath without fear of inhaling some of his slime. He squirmed around for a few moments before pulling back. You gulped in deep breaths of air, attempting to supply your oxygen deprived body with those precious bonded molecules of two oxygen atoms. After awhile you slowed your breathing and looked to the naked slime on top of you. You gave him a worried and panicked look as he stared at you once more.

        "W-wait, you can't... I'm not ready... Huh?"

        He produced the horse brush you had been using for Matt, which looked extremely clean again. He noticed that your towel hard part by your nether regions and began scrubbing your stomach area gently. You blushed madly from having him see you almost completely naked like this. He seemed so innocent about this too, like being with someone else like this was normal. It most certainly didn't feel normal to you. You decided that now would be a good time to try to speak to him again since your body didn't seem like it was able to move at the moment from how tense you were.

         "Uh, h-hello? Why are you washing me? It isn't-! Eep!"

         The slime lifted your one arm and began washing it. He moved up towards your shoulder and chest, your towel slipping away from becoming loose. You were fully exposed to him now, which made the red tinge on your cheeks darken tenfold. You tried talking again.

        "H-hey, are you listening to me?! Can you e-even understand me?!"

        'Why is he doing this? He's washing me the way I had been washing Matt. Wait a minute...'

        Flashbacks of the past few days and earlier that morning danced through your mind and were compared to that of how you'd seen this slime act towards you. He hugged you protectively to his chest like the boys did, effectively nearly smothering you like them, and now he's bathing you the way you helped Matt to bathe.

        'Is he trying to learn by coping our actions? Could he be trying to communicate through the repetition of actions? Maybe he's not so dangerous after all.'

        You were so deep in thought that you hadn't realized that he had put his chest against your face again, wrapping his arms around your neck while straddling you as you sat up. You breathed out a bit through your slightly parted lips, bubbles appearing in his slime as if he was entirely composed of water. You repeated your action a few more times before making an expression of fear. You attempted to grab at his body to pull him away, but your hands and arms went right through him.

         'I can't breathe! Slime, read my thoughts if you can understand me!' You paused your thoughts for a brief moment. 'Nope! He doesn't understand! What am I going to do?! I can already feel my consciousness slipping from me... Wait! The bathtub!"

        You got up, him coming with you as he continued his hug. You quickly shuffled over to the tub and fell into it with him. You stayed under the water for a few seconds before resurfacing, now able to breath once more.

        "I thought I was going to die..." you mumbled in a shaky voice before slowly standing up. "You're going to stay in here for awhile, okay?" you said, looking at the slime who was now a gelatinous blob just barely peaking over the water's surface.

         He seemed to nod at you slightly. Maybe he did understand you after all. That's good, but you were more concerned about Matt beginning to wake up on the floor. You dashed out of the bathtub, nearly tripping over the rim of it as you scrambled for a clean, dry towel to cover yourself with. After grabbing one from the closet, you wrapped it around yourself and left the bathroom to get dressed.

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