Chapter Fifteen - America At Last

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        The last few months had been absolutely hectic for you, and it was beginning to show with your stress level rising increasingly fast. It had been around mid-July when you received a phone call from your manager, asking if you'd like to contract with Marvel Studios in a new upcoming superhero film as a main character. You of course said yes, not wanting to turn down a job that you knew was going to pay well, and by the sound of it, you were possibly going to be able to meet some of the men who play the Avengers. There was one problem though with this though. The movie contract required you to go to the United States of America for the time being to film, which meant that he boys would have to come with you.

          Let's recap what happened on the way to the US. At first, Luciano refused to go anywhere with Flavio, so you ended up having to make a deal with him that involved being a little handsy when the others went to bed. The following morning you had to figure out how on Earth you were going to get everyone to the airport, so you decided on taking your van. Gilen sat up front with you, Oliver shrank down to rest in the pocket on Gilen's raincoat, Flavio sat in one of the back seats while all of yours and the boys' luggage next to him while Luciano somehow miraculously managed to shove himself and his 41 foot tail in the trunk area after you put down the third row of seating. Matt decided to just run along side of your car or behind it at various points in the journey to the airport.

        Once at the airport, everyone in the van got out of it, Luciano being the happiest out of everyone to be able to stretch. Flavio was put in his wheelchair that you brought withe while Oliver flew out of Gilen's pocket and grew to his full size before you distributed everyone's luggage to their rightful owners. You then gave the valet your car keys and tipped him. You then escorted all five of your boys into the airport, earning a few strange looks from certain people, including some workers. Others, like many of the children, were excited to see a monster in the airport. Some even came up to you and them to chat for a few minutes.

         As the time drew closer to board the plan, the six of you went through security and luggage inspection. Then came more problems... As you and the boys were about to pass through the gate to your flight, a worker stopped you.

         "I'm sorry Miss, but they can't board the plane with you," she said as she gestured to the boys.

          Matt crossed his arms, a bit annoyed at this. Luciano soon followed the other's example, his tongue flicking out at the woman. Had his tongue allows been forked slightly at the end? If so, you hadn't noticed at all until now. You stared at the woman for a moment.

          "I have the paperwork for them though," you replied as you held up all of their documents that you had to bring along for them to enter the States with you.

          The woman shook her head. "That doesn't matter. It's against our policy."

          You sighed, obviously agitated now. "If I can get government permission, can they board with me?"

         "Yes, but I doubt that you can obtain it so quickly. That's a lot of paperwork to fill just to have creatures like then join you on a plane."

         You puffed out one of your cheeks as Oliver, Gilen, and Flavio had to restrain Matt and Luciano from jumping the woman and harming her. That wouldn't be good for them or you for that matter since it was still against the law. Your phone found its way into your hands as you pressed the speed dial number for Ms. Smith. The worker looked at you with a raised eyebrow as you put your phone on speaker, the dial tone going off every few seconds. Ms. Smith finally answered.

         "(Y/n), it's mid-morning. What could you possibly want at this hour? I was still sleeping?" she asked groggily.

         "I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Smith, but I have to fly to America for filming and the boys have to come with me. The woman in charge of the gate though won't let them board with me, so I need special permission from the government to have them do so."

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