Chapter Twenty-four - Escape

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        Three weeks had passed since Andrés came to live with you, Luciano, Oliver, Matthieu, Gilen, Flavio, and Allen. Things were peaceful for the first week, nothing but petty squabbles between Luciano and Flavio and occasionally Matthieu and Allen. The second week was slightly more hectic than the last, the boys really trying to get your attention and steal you away from whoever you were talking to if they didn't receive it. This was excluding Gilen of course, but he did seek out your attention more than he usually did. Andrés was also exempted, but you noticed him starting to take an interest in you. The third week entailed seven agonizing days of fighting among all seven males. They were more possessive of you, barely letting you leave the house when you wanted to. They wouldn't even let you talk to human males, even on the phone you weren't allowed to. It was beginning to get ridiculous, but with the way they were acting you were too scared to ask them to back off just a bit.

        So, early one morning, you sent Kimihito a quick text message saying that you needed to come over and talk to him. He messaged back, saying you were welcome to come over now despite it being five o'clock in the morning. You quickly got dressed and performed your morning routine in the bathroom quickly before you snuck out of your room, past the boys' rooms, downstairs, and into the garage. You needed something that wasn't going to make too much noise but would be quick. So, you settled on a motorcycle you had manually opened the garage door so the door's motor wouldn't make noise. You then took off the parking break and rolled your motorcycle out of the garage with your helmet and jacket on the seat. The motor was still off, so it rolled silently over the pavement of your driveway. You put the parking break back on so it wouldn't roll away when you put the kickstand down. Afterward, you went back to the garage and manually closed the garage door, then went back to your motorcycle and put on your jacket and helmet. The key was then put on the ignition, and you turned it, the engine rumbling to life. You hoped that the boys hadn't woken up from the noise emanating from the engine. You waited for a few minutes to let the engine warm up. No one had come out to see what you were doing, so you took that as your cue to go and drove to Kimihito's house.

        It was about a half hour drive to his house from yours with traffic, but since there wasn't much you made it in twenty, and you may or may not have been speeding a little here and there. Once at Kimihito's house, you parked your motorcycle and turned it off. You took off your helmet bit kept your jacket on since it was a little chilly out. Kimihito greeted you at the front door and let you in. You thanked him and walked in. His house was dark and quiet, the girls most likely still sleeping up in their rooms. He took your jacket and helmet, hanging them up by the front door before leading you into the kitchen for some tea. You sat at the kitchen table and sat in silence as he prepared the tea for the two of you. He poured you both a cup and brought them over to the table, setting one cup down in front of you before taking a seat next to you. You placed your hands around the cup, letting the warm ceramic object heat up your cold hands.

        "Thank you for letting me come over so early in the morning Kimi..." you whispered as you gazed at the tea in the dim lighting cast in through the kitchen window by the moon.

        "You're welcome," he whispered back. "Now, what's troubling you? You only request to see me when something's wrong."

         You sighed and gently blew on your tea before taking a sip, then speaking. "It's my boys. I'm on point with your total now and they are driving me insane..."

       "You have seven now? All I knew of was Luciano, Oliver, Matthieu, and Gilen. Who else do you have now?"

        "A merman named Flavio, who's also Luciano's cousin, was handed over to me by Smith. I'm honestly not sure how that works. An arachne like Rachnera named Allen joined me when I was in America for filming, and now I have a dullahan that came to live with me about three weeks ago named Andrés."

       "Huh... You and I are pretty evenly matched in terms of species. The only difference is Oliver and Papi and Matthieu and Centorea."

        "Yeah. I've noticed that too."

        "Mhm... Anyway, why are they driving you crazy?"

        "They're constantly bickering with one another and rarely leave me out of their sight anymore in fear that I'm going to be stolen away. I can't handle that... They won't even let me talk to human men, but they know that I have to marry one of them because of freaking Smith..."

        "That does sound troublesome... The girls never got like that... Well, except for one time with Miia, but that was to be expected since she was my only girl to take care of for so long. With the introduction of the other girls, they each slowly became more protective of me, though it did me for harm then good." He rubbed the back of his neck with a small chuckle.

        You couldn't help but to giggle a little bit. "Yeah, I remember that time frame. You called me almost all the time with you got hurt and asked me to come help you with some light physical therapy."

        "Yeah. Good times, yeah?"


        The two of you reverted back to being silent. You sipped on your tea, as did Kimihito, both of you checking the time. It was now a little past six in the morning. Gilen would be getting up soon, and you wouldn't be home. He'd panic and tell the others, but they couldn't leave the house unless you were there to go out with them. Well, Matthieu technically could go out. He had special permission like Centorea. Speaking of the centaur, she'd be awake soon too, and your peace with Kimihito would be interrupted. Might as well get what time you can with him quickly.


        "Yes (y/n)?"

        "Do you know why the boys are acting the way they are? Ever since Andrés showed up they've been worse than usual to the point they're possessive over me, and I mean like yandere possessive, especially Luciano."

        "Perhaps the addition of Andrés has upset them? Has he talked them at all? Maybe say something to them that would make them think of you differently?"

        You hummed in thought, and then it dawned on you. "That asshat... He told me upon our meeting that I didn't have long to live, that marrying one of them would only result in my death. He may have told them that..."

         "That would explain it then. Lala did nearly the same thing, and the girls freaked out like crazy, trying to prevent me from getting into any imminent danger or accidents. That was their worst time in terms of injuring me and nearly killing me. They're just trying to protect you (y/n). It will pass."

         "Yeah, but how long until that happens? I can't take much more of it before I lose my sanity and have to be sent to an insane asylum..."

        "You'll be okay. You're a strong woman."

        "Thanks Kimihito."

        "You're welcome (y/n)." He looked at the clock and saw the time. It was almost a quarter past six now. "Would you like to stay for breakfast?"

        "Yes please!"

        He chuckled.

        You blushed a bit and quieted down. "Sorry... I just... really like your cooking..."

        "It's all good. I'm happy to hear that. Now, would you like to help? I have a lot to cook."

        "Of course Kimihito."

~Author's Note~

DreamsForDays here! Look at me go with this early uploading of the updates! Go me! Here, we give Reader-chan a little break from the boys and take a small look into her life since Andrés arrived in hers and the other boys' lives. There are no translations for this chapter, so I'm going to leave this off here. Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!

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