Character Information

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~Author's Note - Important for For Eternity (my Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader) fans!~

DreamsForDays here! Author's Note is in the beginning this time around because I didn't really want to do it at the end. That and I wanted to warn you guys that the new boy's information will be included in this update because I haven't heard that you guys didn't want to see it. So, when the final boy's information comes up and you don't want to see it, just skip over it because it is at the very end of this update.

Also, exciting news for you guys that enjoyed For Eternity! A sequel is in the works at this very moment! It'd actually be a prequel in terms of story line, but it would still be a reader insert. Please tell me what you guys think! What you guys tell me in the comments will determine if I write it or not!

So, I'll leave this at that. Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!


2p Italy

- Name: Luciano Vargas

- Appearance

o Eyes: Magenta

o Hair: Dark auburn with a red tint

o Skin: Tan

o Tail: Primarily brown with thin black diamonds down the center back

- Naga:

        Nagas are a half snake, half human hybrid species similar to that of the lamia species, but are about twice the size. Unlike the lamia species, the naga species is comprised of both males and females, but they will mate with humans of the opposite gender if no other nagas are available. Females are known as nagi while a male is simply a naga. Males have no need to wear clothing due their reproductive organs being hidden in their tales, but they choose to wear shirts in public for decency reasons. There are different classifications of nagas such as venomous, constrictor, and amphibious. Amphibious nagas are the only warm blooded half snake creatures due to having to be able to dive down into deep waters, which get colder as they go down. Their snake halves don't transition into their human halves quite as smoothly as lamias' do, so they usually wear a belt to cover it if they are male while the females will wear skirt with a belt over it. Nagas have a fascination with shiny objects and are often found wearing jewelry, though males tend to only dawn a ring or two plus two arm bands of varying metals, typically gold or silver.

2p England

- Name: Oliver Kirkland

- Appearance

o Eyes: Sky blue, has pink swirls when angered

o Hair: Strawberry blond

o Skin: Peachy

o Wings: Practically transparent with very light tints of blue and pink

- Fairy:

        Fairies are a very happy species of human-like creatures with wings. There are both male and female fairies, though female fairies are more common to encounter and male up a good portion of the population. They generally tend to stay hidden from the naked eye for their own protection but are capable of growing to standard human size for social interaction. Each fairy has a specialty that they pride themselves in, whether that be gardening, baking, or something else. Fairy wings are typically transparent but have small tints of faded color that go with their personality.

2p Canada

- Name: Matthieu Williams

- Appearance

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