Chapter Nineteen - Peace Finally

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        After a somewhat hectic first few months of filming, everyone finally had a day to themselves to do as they pleased. You decided that a date with one of the boys you hadn't been out with yet, excluding Allen because just like Rachnera he creeped you out a bit, would be a decent way to relax since your arachne and alcetaur house guests constantly seemed to be brawling. A nice day out with one boy could be a very nice experience so long as nothing or no one ruined it for you. So, that's how you ended up picking Gilen to accompany you on a date out into the city, which happened to be New York City. There were some protests from the other five boys, but all you did was dismiss them with a small wave and headed out with Gilen after breakfast was over.

        It was fall now, so the air was a little chilly in New York, but it wasn't so unbearable that one would have to wear a heavy coat. A simple cardigan and jeans was sufficient to go outside for an extended period of time, accompanied by a pair of shoes of course, which is what you wore to go on your little date with Gilen. The slime boy wore his usual green and yellow raincoat with his matching rain boots. The two of you were walking in Central Park for the time being, him holding your hand gently and being careful to not get the sleeve of your cardigan wet with his slime. He considered it a nice piece of clothing, so he didn't want to ruin it.

        You didn't mind that your hand was getting a little wet from him holding it. It was a cute gesture from him since he was awkward about physical contact, especially in public like this. He looked at you for some reassurance that he was doing alright since he seemed to be getting a bit jittery. You gave him a soft smile and pulled him over to a small pond you were passing that had some kids and adults nearby but not too close. You sat down with Gilen on a bench and continued to hold hands with him. His cheeks had a light dusting of pink to them, and he tried to hide it like he always did with the hood of his raincoat. You giggled and pushed the hood down gently and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The rosy glow seemed to get a bit brighter and darker from your affectionate actions.

         "Gil, you don't need to be so shy around me."

         "Ja, mache ich..."

         "Is it because of that one time?"

         His cheeks went even redder, if that was even possible at this point for him.

         "It is, isn't it?"

         He nodded slowly, not looking at you.

         "That was a long time ago. There's no need to feel embarrassed about it. You didn't know any better at the time."

         He shook his head. "Das löscht nicht die Peinlichkeit von ihm geschieht..."

         "Gil, you know I don't speak fluent German."

         "Never mind..."

         "I can't help you if you don't tell me what bothers you. To be honest, you're probably the most innocent one in the house right now."

         "What about Oliver?"

         "Yeah... I'd rather not talk about what happened last night with him..." you sweatdropped.

         "Oh... Is being innocent a good thing Liebling?"

         "Sometimes. There's a difference between being innocent and oblivious to sexual situations. You are pure of heart, innocent of mind and body. You don't do things without asking generally speaking, and I appreciate that quality of yours. You're a good guy Gilen, despite what some people say about slimes and monsters. You're not all bad creatures, some of you just look that way."

         Gilen nodded slowly. He understood what you were trying to say and gave you a small smile. You smiled back at him in a gentle manner. A couple people passing by made a few "aww"s at the sight of the two of you being cute together. You giggled as Gilen began acting shy again when a little girl came up to the two of you, saying that she was a big fan of yours and how she thought your friend was really cool looking and awesome. You nudged Gilen in the side with your elbow slightly, prompting him to say something nice to her for the compliments after you said your thanks.

         "D-Danke, Fräulein."

         She giggled at how he spoke to her. "Bitte!" she responded back proudly.

         "You speak German?" you asked her.

         "Mhm! My Oma's from there! She's been teaching me!"

         "That's nice of her!"

         "Yeah! I've got to go though! I can hear my mom calling for me. It was nice meeting you Miss (y/n)! You too Mr. Awesome!" she said before darting off towards her mother's location.

          You looked at Gilen, still smiling. He looked confused though, so you dropped the smile.

         "What's wrong Gil?"

         " 'Mr. Awesome'?"

         Your smile returned as you patted his shoulder. "Being called 'awesome' is a compliment. She thinks you're an awesome guy."

         "I hardly think so..."

         You hugged him, causing his blush to come back full force again. "You've always been so hard on yourself you goofball. You're as awesome as they come."

         "D-D-Danke, L-Liebling."




         "May I... May I k-kiss you?"

         "I don't see why not, so go for it."

         Gilen nodded to himself and gently cupped your face with his hand. He was barely touching your cheek really. You couldn't even feel his hand touching your skin. He leaned in and hesitantly pressed his lips against yours in a short and sweet kiss. You were a bit surprised that he actually kissed you on your lips, but it was one of those kisses that you didn't mind melting into because it was so gentle and loving.

         He pulled back soon after he started the kiss, his cheeks glowing that rosy color again. Your own cheeks were tinted a light pink, but it didn't bother you. Gilen didn't seem to like his blush though because he was trying to hid his face again with his raincoat's hood. All you could do was laugh lightheartedly and get him to get up to walk again. Maybe that would help him calm down. You knew that a calm walk always helped you to clear your mind, so maybe it would do the same for him? You hoped so. Your date was going perfectly so far, and that's how the rest of it would go, courteous of a slime boy and his adorable, childish nature.

~Author's Note~

DreamsForDays here! I have given you guys a little bit of fluff! Woo! Finally, a relaxing chapter where all hell doesn't break loose. It's nice, yeah? I'd hope so since Reader-chan's been having a difficult time. Let's get translations out of the way next.

Translations: All German

Ja, mache ich... - Yes, I do...

Das löscht nicht die Peinlichkeit von ihm geschieht... - That doesn't erase the embarrassment from it happening...

Liebling - Darling

D-Danke, Fräulein. - Th-Thank you, miss.

Bitte! - You're welcome!

Oma - Grandmother

D-D-Danke, L-Liebling. - Th-Th-Thank you, Darling.

Ja? - Yes?

That's all of them, or rather it should be! I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!

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