Chapter Twenty-one - Disturbance

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~Important Author's Note if you haven't seen or read about a possible sequel to "For Eternity".~

        The premiere was going great so far. So many fans had packed themselves in the theater with you and the other actors and actresses as well as your boys. You took your seat next to Sebastian as Chris Evans sat on your other side. You three were the pain focus of this Marvel movie with special attention to paid to your character's relationship with the Winter Soldier. The three of you exchanged pleasantries and made idle chitchat before the movie began playing. Your boys sat behind you all, much to their annoyance. Unfortunately for Matthieu, Allen, and Luciano, they were far too large to actually sit comfortably in the theater chairs. So, Matt and Luciano found themselves in the isles on either ends of the row behind you both sitting on the ground, or in their cases, curled up in their coils or laying on the ground. As for Al, he made a nest of webs on the ceiling to watch the movie from.

        The people sitting near the boys were a bit ecstatic to be sitting near real life monsters that were actually friendly and not murderous like in the movies. Gilen was being shy as usual, only making the girls sitting near him to fawn over how cute he was being. Oliver was getting an equal amount of attention from the ladies near him, as was Flavio, but they were receiving the attention better than Gil was. Luciano had women flirting with him, but he had eyes for only you now, unlike when he shamelessly flirted back with those women in Victoria Secret that one time. Matt had a few women approach him like Luciano, but they were mostly shy and very timid when talking to him, blushing like crazy when he let them feel his biceps after they asked. Then there was Al, who was receiving zero attention because he was on the ceiling. You felt a little bad for him because of that.

        Eventually, the time to play the movie came and everyone was ushered back to his seats. The lights dimmed slowly and the previews began to play. The theater was filled with the sounds of people shuffling popcorn bags around and drinks being slurped through straws with the occasional candy bags crinkling. Chris, Sebastian, and you all shared looks of excitement. This was it. Your debut as a Marvel character was about to happen. You couldn't help but be a little jumpy in anticipation and nervousness. Who wouldn't be nervous going into a fandom's universe and playing a character that could potentially earn you some hate from a whole fanbase if you did horrible or from extreme Sebastian Stan fans who didn't like your character's relationship with the Winter Soldier. Sebastian put a hand on yours before taking a hold of it and rubbing gentle circles on the back of it. You sent him a grateful smile before returning your attention to the big screen. Unknown to both of you, and the other actors and actresses, your boys, even Gilen and Oliver, were glaring at Sebastian until the movie actually started.

~Time Skip - End Of the Movie~

       The movie finally ended, the large screen going black as the lights slowly turned back on. The sound of applause reverberated off of the walls with the accompaniment of whistles and shouts of enthusiasm. You smiled. People were responding well so far to the movie. You looked to your colleagues, noticing them smiling widely as well. You all stood up and turned to face the crowd, taking each other's hands before bowing. Everyone let go of each other's hands then waved to the crowd. Your boys were smiling at you and clapping still, all of them being very proud to say that their girl was one of those wonderful actors standing up before everyone.

        Your fellow actors and yourself had a quick little meet and greet session with the fans before being allowed to leave the theater safely to go back to your limos to go to your hotel. You sighed as you walked with the boys and climbed into the limo, them filling in shortly after you one by one. The high heels you wore were taken off almost immediately after you sat down and buckled up. They boys who could buckle up did so and the limo drove off. None of you would make it to the hotel though, at least, not before dawn.

        The limo's breaks suddenly squealed when you were driving through a rather rural area since the hotel you were staying at was in the next town over. You all shifted in your seats rather roughly as the driver slammed on the breaks, Matthieu and Allen slamming into each other as they weren't wearing seatbelts. The sound of a struggle coming from the front driver's seat could be heard faintly as the engine was silenced. What was going on? None of you knew, but whatever it was was beginning to scare you. You clung to the person closest to you, which happened to be Oliver at the moment.

        Suddenly, the roof to the limo had a hole cut through it with part of a very large, slightly curved knife, or something equivalent to a knife. You and Oliver let out a small scream, the other boys soon joining in for a split second. A headless body ducked down from the hole and seemingly looked around. It stopped "looking" when it got to you and quickly pulled you out of limo before the other boys could do anything. Matt and Luciano attempted to open the doors to get out, but they were locked and couldn't be opened from the inside. None of the other boys wanted to crawl through the hole in the ceiling because they were either too big to fit or they didn't want to risk being cut by the sharp metal of the roof.

        You yelled for them as the headless body dragged you away. You kicked and tried to struggle to get out of it's grip. By the looks of the body though, you could tell that whatever this creature was was a male. He pulled you into the woods with him, holding a scythe, which he had used to cut a hole in the room of the limo, to your neck while pushing you forward. You had no choice but to comply or have your throat slit. He stopped suddenly where there was a dirty patch and grabbed your hand. He then put the end of his scythe to the ground and wrote in the dirty.

        "Help me find my head?" you head aloud in a questioning tone. "Oh! Is that all you needed help with?"

        He wrote a "yes" in the dirt. You rolled your eyes with a small smile and helped him look around. You eventually it in a bush and picked it up, handing it to its body afterward. He put it on his shoulders in the center and it magically reattached to his body. Now that he was complete, you took in his appearance.

        His hair was a dark brown, almost black in color with a patch of white where his bangs were. His eyes were a dark green with specks of brown in them. His skin was very tan, but it had a slight blue tint to it. His lips had a scar running diagonally across them too, causing a slight discoloration. He had on a black v-neck t-shirt and dark wash jeans with two chains hooked between two of the belt loops. The ends of his pants were tucked into black combat boots. He had his scythe resting up against his shoulder.

        He looked at you with disinterest, then shifted from foot to foot for a moment. He locked eyes with you quickly, causing you to tense slightly.

        "You're fucked if you marry one of them... They'll kill you..."

        "... What?"

~Author's Note~

DreamsForDays here! Look! It's on time today! Woo! Midterms are finally over, so I'm not as stressed anymore. It also means I have a little more time to write! Yay! This chapter doesn't have any translations, but I have to say my "For Eternity" sequel spiel again for those of you who haven't seen it.

As the majority of you know, and are probably sick of hearing and reading this, I have a "For Eternity" sequel in the works. I have I think around nine or so people who said that they would be interested in reading it. I want to know if anymore of you guys would be interested? Either way, it looks like I will be making the sequel after nearly six months after the conclusion to "For Eternity". Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!

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