Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 3

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An infuriating sound came drilling in my head and my heart started beating along with every tremor I could feel. I gradually opened my eyes and came to my senses. I then felt a twinge at the back of my head and my hand went straight to the affected area. I felt a bandage.

I looked out at the window which was right behind where I was lying. There was a renovation going on outside. Construction workers were busy drilling grounds and not giving a thought to patients like me. I then shut my window hard with a soft profanity to let loose of my anger.

"You need fresh air Archie." A voice shocked me from behind. I look to where it came.

Then I felt my whole body weakened. There she was, again.

I swallowed hard and gave her smile, a strained smile. How could I possibly smile genuinely when I have just showed her the weakling and the dim-witted side of me? And why did I even fucking faint?

She grinned and looked to where my bag was placed. "You sure carry a lot of things in your bag. It's pretty heavy." She said and went directly to my bedside and sat to a chair that was next to me. And I smiled at her, again.

Can my mouth just assertively start a conversation? Why am I all in silence whenever she's around? I need an alcohol now. It's my other source of confidence.

"You're alright now?" She asked.

Now, I need to speak out something.

Then I nodded. Good gracious me! SAY SOMETHING ARCHIE!

"You don't seem alright." She then placed her palm on my forehead. I could feel myself in steams. I suddenly pulled away. Am I worse than any morons out there?

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

Then I looked away in shame. I bet she now completely thinks that I am some freak, a freak of all freaks.

"I'd better go." She said embarrassingly.

She rose up and took her pink LV sling bag which was placed beside mine and walked straight to the door. I watched her walked away as every step felt like it was strangling me bit by bit. Then she stopped just a step away from the door, I held my breath.

"By the way, I called your mom. So it's gonna be okay.'' And she left.

I started hitting my head with regrets. Why didn't I have the courage to talk to her? Then I sank my face in between my bended knees and covered myself with the blanket. I made a loud sigh and gritted my teeth hard.

Suddenly, I remembered my mom. I ascended from my sitting position on the clinic bed, went directly to my bag and searched for my phone. When I found it, I quickly called my mom. No answer. She's probably driving right now.

My mom is a maniac when it comes to driving safely. You won't see her on the phone and entertaining any of her passengers when she's driving. She's too focused on the road. So silence is always maintained when she's the driver which I completely abhor. It means no music, no singing, no talking, nothing. It'll be just us breathing and the sound of the car engine. Thank god there's mp3s! And that's obviously one of the reasons why I badly need to get a license, as soon as possible. And if you have a mom like mine, it means waiting forever.

Mom arrived an hour later with the school doctor.

"She's alright now. She's just need a couple of days off from school and lots of water'' the doctor said. Then he quickly jotted a few notes on something that looked like a pad, tear a piece off and passed it to my mom.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?" I asked as I took the piece of paper from her. It was a medical certificate. It stated that I had two days of medical leave.

Then my mom smiled and kissed me on both cheeks. "Just exhaustion sweetie" She replied.

As I went out of the clinic and to the school lobby, I was reminded of the upcoming class test that we were having in a week's time. The notes of the topics that were to be tested were all stuffed up in my locker. I then told my mom to wait for me at the car while I went for it.

I walked to my locker in fast-pace and was trying to avoid everyone, specially her. I wanted to run but my body was still not in a good condition to do so and besides, I felt thirsty. I stopped by at a water cooler to quench my thirst. Then I felt somebody behind me, breathing right at the back of my ear.

I froze. Please let it not be her!

Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now