Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 13

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Someone was banging at my door. I pushed myself up from the bed and groaned, my wound still tingling. I took a quick look at my clock, it was 12pm. Then I stood up with a yawn and went straight to the door.

"Hey Arch!"

I was taken aback as I opened it. Patricia was there, with a basket of fruit in one hand. Mom then appeared beside her, who was then looking worried.

"I kept calling you." Mom said, examining my face. I pulled away. "You weren't answering my call and not even opening your door. I've been knocking since just now!" She angrily continued.

"Mom, I've been sleeping." I responded while I walked over to my workstation and sunk myself in my comfy chair. Mom and Patricia followed in.

"You looked like you were in a fight Arch! Thank god, Patricia came or I wouldn't know about this. What happened...?" Mom nagged and took a quick look at Patricia who was by then simply sitting on my bed. I snapped her off, looking annoyed.

"Mom, I'm fine. Just fell in the school shower." I said, giving Patricia a stare. Who is she in my life? And how the hell did she know where I lived? This Patricia would definitely do anything just to be closer to me, I thought.

"Are you telling the truth?" mom asked in concerned as she went closer to my injured nose. I tried to pull away again but she held my head. I swallowed while her eyes probed.

"Mom, I really DID fell in the shower." I said and groaned. She hugged me and was about to cry with trepidation. I tapped her back with assurance that I was completely fine. She smiled as she gazed right through my eyes, trying to make me spill the beans.

"You are staying in the house today Arch." She then demanded and gave me a kiss on my forehead. Mom walked to the door and gave a smile before heading out of my room. Then my eyes went directly to Patricia, who was smiling at me.

"Are you alright?" she asked. How many times did I have to answer that question? Didn't Patricia hear me say that I was fine? I nodded.

Patricia came nearer and laid the fruit basket on my workstation. She inconsiderately placed it on my notes. I quickly stood, took the basket and positioned it on an empty table nearby. Patricia's getting on my nerves now.

"How about I give you a massage?" she said and embraced me from behind. I pushed her hand away and walked over to my bed, leaving her surprised of what I just did.

"Patricia, I've been thinking..." I said and sat on my bed. My eyes glued on her, but with irritation. "We can be friends and nothing more." I continued. She now looked more stunned. I waited for her response.

"I can make you love me." She gave her word. This girl sounded desperate. I never expect that coming from Patricia, especially from someone who could get almost anything. Well, not me.

"You don't have to." I retorted. "I'm in love."

Her eyes were teary now. I looked away, trying to be firm and appeared to look heartless. I have to, if I want her out of my life. I should make her feel uncomfortable with me so that she'll definitely know what I am implying.

"But you aren't with anyone? It could just be infatuation..." She said as she fought herself from crying. "And I do love you Arch." She beseech. Now this is what I call hopelessly in love, I thought.

"I'm with someone actually." I lied. Well I had to again, if that would completely change her mind. "So that means, I couldn't escort you at your prom." I continued. I faced the floor; I just couldn't imagine what her reaction would be. Then I heard her sobbing. I looked up to see her running out of my room. I heaved a sigh. I bet she didn't see that coming. At least, she now knew where she stood, in my life. I heard Patricia drove off. And mom suddenly came rushing in my room.

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