Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 9

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I was speechless for quite a while and was lost in mind. Then I felt a warm touch on one of my arms. I came back to my senses. I looked up to see Jane looking all worried in front of me.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

I gave a sigh. "I'm fine, I guess." I walked unconsciously to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer in the fridge. Jane watched me as I took a long drag, still with eyes of anxiety.

"You look like you've just talked to a ghost." She went closer to my face, scrutinizing on what has taken over me. "You look unwell Archie." She concluded as she placed her right palm on my forehead. I didn't pull away this time, instead I was actually quite glad that she here with me. She then guided me to chair nearby and gestured me to sit. She sat beside me, our eyes locked.

"Who were you talking to just now?" Jane asked.

"A friend'' I responded and took another drag of the beer. Jane then pulled the beer away from me. "You shouldn't be having this Archie, you just got discharged from the clinic yesterday.'' She reminded. She then rose up, took a glass and filled it with water.


I took the glass of water from her and had a quick sip. Then I gripped the glass with both hands tightly as I felt tensed. She then noticed this and asked, "Are you sure you're alright?"

I nodded and smiled. She smiled back.

"You wanna eat now?" she offered. I had actually lost my appetite so I shook my head. I guess she lost hers as well. And then there was silence. I couldn't look at her, but I felt her staring at me.

"I should better go now Archie." She said. She stood up, went to the living room and came back with her bag while I watched her looking all pretty. I can't deny that she could make simple actions look stunning.

"Jane, I'm sorry. I suddenly feel bad." I apologized as she laid her bag on the dining table.

She stroked my head and smiled. "It's alright Arch." she said with a chuckle and sat beside me again. "Let me help you with this.'' She said. She then took the half-filled beer bottle and dragged to its very last drop. I watched her in amazement. Then I started to envy the lucky bottle that touched her luscious lips.

She gently placed the bottle on the dining table and burped. Her burp was the cutest. I giggle and she grinned. Then she stood up again.

"So I'll see you again next Wednesday at the bio class for another session?" she asked as she carried her bag.

I nodded with a smile and said, "I couldn't wait for the next lesson." I wanted to give her hints about me liking her but it seems that it might too early for that. I stood up to escort her to the door.

I watched her walked to her car. I wanted her to stay but I guess its better for her to leave since it was getting late as well. While walking, she looked up for quick a glance at me. I waved and smiled at her. And suddenly, Samantha came running, she passed Jane and was heading to my direction. I gulped.

"Baby! I've got something for you!" Samantha shouted as she raised a paper bag she was carrying, telling me that the something she wanted to give was in the paper bag. I quickly took a glimpse at Jane. She by then has reached her car and was looking at me straight in the face. I couldn't figure out of her expression as it was too far to be seen. I waved at her but she just went in her car and started the engine. I watched her leave as I felt my heart being stepped again and again.

"Arch..." Samantha said as she noticed me looking to where the Jane's car was heading.

"Who's that?" she asked curiously. My mind was blocked. I wanted to tell Samantha that the girl who she had just passed by was someone who had never failed to make my heart skip a bit even with her faintest notion.

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