Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 7

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I took her by the hand as we watched the stunning sunset. It was freezing so I wrapped my arms around her as she laid her head on my chest. She gave a warm smile with affection I perfectly needed in this chilly surrounding.

"Archie, will you go away? Like the sun leaving us in the cold?'' She asked, with heartbreaking eyes.

"No sweetheart." I said, with assurance in mine.

"Will you turn cold towards me one day?'' she hesitantly went on.

"I never will" I promised.

Then I made her look at me in the eyes and asked, "Why are you asking these?"

She then placed her right hand on my chest where my heart was and looked at me intently. She was indeed gorgeous that I could watch her forever. Our eyes locked as she went closer. I could feel my heart beat by seconds and then I lost track as I felt her breathing on my mouth. And once our lips touched, she unexpectedly pulled away.

She took a deep breath and said,

"I want you to be there, loving me. I want you to make me love you as much. I want you to see through me and know that you're the only person I love, and believe in it. I want you to stay, if so, stay forever. I want you to..."

I muzzled her down. "Shhh..." I closed her mouth with my finger and felt her rosy lips which I had wanted to kiss from the beginning.

"There's nothing more I ask than to be with you Jane. I will love you always." I guaranteed her as I held her hand tightly. I felt her weakened as she gazed right through my eyes. I pulled her closer and was about to kiss her but suddenly...

I felt vibration on my face. Damn it.

Someone was calling. I took a quick glance at the clock and found myself mumbling with annoyance. It was 8:15 am and who the heck would call at this hour? Jen or mom would, to wake me up for school or to remind that there is school I need to deal with. I do admit that I hate waking up for school, who doesn't?

I answered the call without checking who the caller was as my eyes were still sleepy.

"Jen, I am on leave." I quickly reminded her in sluggish tone and gave her a loud yawn.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sleepy head." A familiar voice replied and giggled but it was not Jen. It was someone I'd never expect to be calling, again.

I remember this voice and quickly rose up from my bed. I swallowed hard and cleared both my eyes.

"Jane." I responded.

"I'm sorry about last night." She apologized. And I was reminded of how cute she was as I listened to her snore. I smiled to myself.

"No, it's okay. It was cute..." I replied gladly without even thinking.

"What was cute?" She asked curiously.

I gulped hard. Should I tell her that she snores or would that be an embarrassment for her? I should just keep it to myself.

"Nothing actually, just the songs you were playing." I hesitantly responded.

Then she gave out a small laughter which made a part of me melt. I just wish I could hug her right now.

"Don't tell me you heard me snoring?" she asked with chuckle. So she does know that she snores.

"A little.. uhmm.. I didn't ..mean to.. don't worry....'' I was caught up with words. I couldn't just simply say that I went all night listening to her snore right?

Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now