Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 6

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I felt my heart skipped a beat when I heard her name. I gathered all my guts, took a deep breath and said, "hey Jane!" then I paused and swallowed hard.

"What's up?" I asked. I waited for a response in a long silence. No one seems to be on the other line. Don't tell me that Jane just went all silent on me now?

I took a deeper breath and asked, "Are you still there, Jane?"

Still, there was no answer. I waited, again. Then it got into my nerve, I was getting irritated while waiting in vain. She probably hanged up on me. This phone call could be a prank or something.

I then took a look at my phone. Damn it, it was dead. I've ran out of battery.

I quickly searched for the charger which took forever to be found and charged my phone. Jane might be thinking now that I've got cold feet and hanged up on her! And worse, she could be mad at me for being rude to her. And the worse of all, she has just confirmed to herself that I am indeed a freak of all freaks.

I was tensed and was grasping for air after the trouble of hunting for the charger in my room. I tried to on my phone quickly but it seems that it didn't get enough of the energy it needed. I waited again while looking around my room. It was in a huge mess. Dirty clothing scattered on the floor while my workstation has been piled up with Chinese takeaways and empty coffee cups which then invited pests and not to forget those empty beer bottles and a few cigarette buds in the ashtray. It's not that I am chain smoker or have the habit of smoking. I merely smoke on stressing nights when I had to deal with school thesis and projects.

I gave out a sigh and went for the storeroom which was located beside "my paradise". I took out a vacuum cleaner and started cleaning. I didn't know what had got into me but it feels like I had been possessed with some cleaning-maniac ghost. I threw all dirty clothes in the laundry, changed my stained blankets and pillow cases, cleaned up my workstation, did some wiping everywhere and emptied my ashtray and dustbin.

I ended at around 1:30am. Just as I was about to return the vacuum cleaner to the storeroom, mom came out from her room in her red bathrobe.

"Just got back?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie...'' She replied, looking all tired. I could see wrinkles on her face, she's getting older everyday.

"How's granny?" I asked while she was about to head for the shower.

"Old" she replied with forced smile. I should stop asking now, she look as if she needed to be in silence.

When I've settled the vacuum cleaner to where it was supposed to be, I went nearer to the first and most important woman in my life, my mom.

"Goodnight mom!" I smiled and hugged her. She embraced back and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you sweetie" She responded and gave me kisses on both cheeks.

"I love you more." I replied. And she went off to the bathroom.

I felt tired after cleaning my room. As I went back to what looks like a paradise now, which was my room, I leaped to my bed and rolled around in satisfaction. Just perfect, I thought to myself.

Then I lied with arms and legs open wide and started acting like I was doing angel outline in snow. I looked at the ceiling where posters of bands were glued on, I started singing to myself. Then I remembered my phone.

I rushed back to where it was and on it. I quickly searched for Jane's number. And before I could redial her number again, I was reminded that it was already 2am as my clock startled me with its alarm. I forgot that I had adjusted the alarm to 2am so that I could wake up for my project I was doing the night before. I swiftly readjusted my alarm clock, off the alarm and went for the bed. Moreover, I couldn't possibly call her now and explain about my phone dying on me; it is too late for that.

So I laid myself on the bed. I was tired but couldn't sleep. Jane was running in my mind which seemed to be normal for the past nights ever since I bumped into her that day. I could still draw her beautiful face in my head which never fail to make me smile along as I pictured her perfect juicy lips.

I rose up and took my phone. Well, at least I should just send her a text before she completely thinks that I hanged up on her.

"Jane, I'm sorry about just now. My phone died on me." I send her those exact words and went for the bed, again. I placed my phone beside me and hopelessly waited for a reply. She couldn't be awake now. She still has school tomorrow. So I gave up on the thought of her replying.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. No freakin' way, I thought. Jane was calling.

I quickly picked it up with hoarse voice, I was trembling. "Hello." I said.

Then I heard her took a deep breath.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping now?" I asked. I just needed to say something before she completely thinks that I am some weirdo.

"I can't, I guess." She replied, sounding a little sleepy.

"Well, did I wake you up?" I asked, trying to sound more confident.

"Nope, I was actually hoping you'd call back or something." She said and giggled to herself in exhaustion.

I smiled. She was ACTUALLY waiting for my call. I should have called her earlier, I thought. And damn, I sure miss her voice.

Then she continued, "I called earlier on to tell you that I won't be able to make it later at noon."

I forgot that she was coming for some lessons later. And now that she's not coming, I felt my heart grasping for air, it was hurting I guess. Why would my heart hurt for her? I then swallowed hard and said,

"It's alright Jane." I said with assurance that it was fine with me.

Then she said, "But instead, I'll be coming in the evening.'' I felt my heart beating in joy.

"What time you'll drop by so that I could inform mom about it?" I asked with excitement.

"Probably around 8pm? Will that be alright?" She asked.

"Perfect." I replied.

Then there was silence, again. I quickly looked at my phone to see if it died once more. It didn't. But there was silence on the other line.

"Hello? Anyone still there?" I asked. She can't probably hang up on me since the line was not busy. I could still hear some sounds coming from the other line, wind rushing and songs playing softly in the back ground.

I asked again, "Jane, are you still there?"

Then I started to smile to myself in amusement. Jane was in fact, softly snoring. I giggle gently as I listened to her snores. I find it cute and something surprising for me. Genetically blessed human beings actually do snore, I thought in delight. Then I felt my eyes shutting slowly.

I decided to hang up the call although I badly want to hear Jane snoring throughout the night. But I wouldn't want to see my phone bill exploding again or mom would have me grounded for a week.

So before I hanged up, I listened to Jane snoring again.

"Goodnight sweetheart. I love you... I guess." I smiled to myself and actually felt good about it. And still with no response but with Jane snores, I tenderly hanged up the phone and went off to dream about Jane. What a night!

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