Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 8

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As the sun set behind her, which made her look dim in my sight, I knew she was Jane. I could see her curves as it came perceptible which how I see it my dreams, every time. I smiled and notice her formed a grin as well.

"Hey, you're early." I mumbled to myself and cleared my throat.

And I think she heard it well and replied, "I did call you to inform that I was on my way. But it seems that you're busy..."

I almost forgot about my phone which I left in my bedroom. I apologized and I was certain I saw her smiled more.

I asked her to come in the house, gestured her to take a seat at the sofa and quickly went to the kitchen. I started doing some breathing exercise for a while and shouted to ask,

"What'd you like? Some soda? There's juices here. I could grab you a beer if you'd want that? about some fruits? Or chips? " I was talking so fast; I bet she has missed out every word I said. I need to relax. Breathe in and breathe out.

And I remembered alcohol. I needed a shot of the vodka, I thought to myself. I quickly went for vodka which was stored in one of our cupboards, took a shot glass, filled it full and dragged it all up. I needed one more. Then I started jumping up and down while doing my breathing exercise at the same time.

Then I heard a knock, at the kitchen door.

"Are you alright?" Jane asked in concern. She just looked adorable whenever she's worried. I gazed at her and was lost for words.

I quickly cleared my throat again. "I'm fine, I do this once in a while" I replied. So now Jane would probably think that I go weird ONCE IN A WHILE. She giggled and went closer to where I stood, frozen.

"You mean, once in a while, you dragged shots and jump for... nothing?" She asked with a chuckle. I nodded since there's no other explanation I could give. I couldn't simply just tell her that I was tensed because she was here, with me.

And there was silence. I felt her eyes locked in mine for a moment. Her eyes were in delight while mine would probably look panicky. Then she cleared her throat and said,

"I think I'll have some orange juice if that's alright.''

I quickly reached for the fridge, took out an unopened big bottle of orange juice and gave it to her.

"You'd want me to just drag this up?" she joked. Damn it, I forgot about glasses. I need to counter-attack.

"Well, I didn't know cheerleaders could do that." I teased, grabbed a glass and passed it to her. She accepted it and we headed to the living room.

"School stuff ended early so I decided to just drop by." She explained while she poured some orange juice in the glass, which I thought was my duty to make guests feel welcomed.

"I wasn't prepared yet, actually.'' I hesitantly said. Well, I was definitely not prepared. I had not showered or even fixed my hair. I bet I look like some escaped patient from a mental institution. I started to feel conscious. Do I reek? I asked myself.

"I'm sorry you didn't know." She said and continued, "I could go off first and come knocking again after an hour". She giggled which made me smile in pleasure.

"If it's alright with you, I actually needed to shower." I said. Vodka's working now as I felt my face numb. It was just the right punch I needed.

"Go ahead." She responded and assured me that she'll be fine waiting.

"Well, my workstation in my room." I told her while pointing to my room's direction.

"So you wanna head there now?" she suggested and we both rose up from the couch.

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