Confession of a Cheerleader (Lesbian story) 12

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"So what happened?" Jen said, distracting me from my deep thought. She miserably opened her locker as she gave a great pull. Then she cursed and gave it a massive blow at the bottom. Poor Jen, she was always unfortunate with old rusty lockers. And her locker in the gym was far off worse than anything I've ever encountered. I grinned at such sight and took out my jersey.

"I don't know Jen." I retorted.

"What you mean that you don't know?" she asked as we put our jersey on. She then quickly gestured me to hand over the deodorant.

I passed it to her. "Well, Patricia likes me." I replied hesitantly. Jen smiled.

"That's cool then. Who would've thought?" she said, examining me from head to toe. "I never thought that you're a girl-magnet!" Jen laughed while spraying deodorant around her.

"I don't know Jen." I replied, looking all lost in amazement.

"Just go with the flow." Jen responded and threw the deodorant back at me. I missed catching it. The deodorant then rolled over, I chased after. Then it stopped as some feet halted it. I looked up and there was Micah.

"You call yourself a player when you can't even catch simple throws." She sarcastically remarked and kicked the deodorant to me. I swallowed in fear and quickly straightened up.

"Hey Micah!" Jen greeted with a wide smile. Micah then threw a hug to Jen as if they've been best friends forever. I felt a twinge and sulked. Fuck this girl, she's now taking my best friend, I thought.

"She's Archie, the girl I've talked to you about." Jen introduced.

"I've met her." Micah responded as she folded her arms. "She's my rude classmate", she continued. This girl was getting out of hand. I went back to my locker, thrust the deodorant in and slammed it shut. Jen gulped as she found herself caught in between the uncomfortable atmosphere. I then noticed Micah in a cheerleader's uniform. She can't be in the cheering squad that fast, I thought to myself.

"Shut up." I mumbled. I couldn't argue with her now. Micah's not worth my time, I thought and calmed myself.

Then Micah asked, "What did you just say?" I felt her moving closer.

"Nothing." I retorted and went directly to the door. I needed some air before I started coming up with brutal plans for Micah.

Suddenly, a fist greeted me straight in the face. I fell on the floor, groaning.

"Fuck..." I moaned and felt something coming out from my nose. It was blood.

I looked up to see Sandra, who was raging with anger. She then grabbed me by the collar and banged me to a locker. She pressed me hard with her arm and looked at me with eyes that could kill. "Fucking newbie, I told you to know your place!" She shouted and gave me a punch right to my stomach. I could feel Micah and Jen turning white in horror. No one else was around, just Sandra and her clan, Jen, Micah and myself.

"Stay away from Jane or I'll hunt you down." Sandra threatened and freed me. I watch them leave while I dropped vulnerably on the floor. Micah and Jen then rushed towards me.

"I'll inform Coach Sam about this." Jen hastily said.

I quickly grabbed her arm. "Jen let it be." I moaned.

Jen seemed to be horrified while Micah looked shaken. Micah then ran off somewhere and came back with wet tissues. "I'll get the first aid." Jen suggested with concern.

"It's alright." I said. I took the wet tissue from Micah and wiped off my nose. "I fine, I just needed to rest for awhile." I continued. Micah and Jen slowly raised me up and asked me sit at a bench.

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