Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 24

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While I was driving back home, I came across an accident. And out of curiosity, I went out to check what had happened. It looked like a collision between a cyclist and some guy with a Ferrari. A traffic police was probing the scene. I looked carefully at the cyclist; he had a minor cut on his forehead, which was not much of a big deal. He completely looked fine to me. On the other hand, the guy who owned the Ferrari looked anxious and was sweating bullets. I wanted to laugh at his flowery outfit and tight black slacks.

He walked closer to where I stood, breathing hard. "Oh my god, my dad would kill me for that scratch" He tensely mumbled. And at once, I knew he is gay.

"Can I borrow your phone please?" He gasped. I nodded and quickly handed him my phone. "I lost my phone and this had to happen, god sure hates me." I smiled at him in response. He hastily made a quick call. I watched him race with words while eyes looking more worried by seconds.

"Thank you... that sexy policeman wouldn't want me to use his phone." He said as he handed my phone back. Suddenly, the cyclist appeared from the gay guy's back.

"I'm sorry for the scratch..." The cyclist softly said, distracting the gay guy's attention on me. The gay guy turned to face the cyclist, panting like he had run a long distance. The cyclist nodded shyly as the gay guy faced him. The cyclist actually looked like he was blushing. Okay, gay moments now, I thought.

"It's alright..." The gay guy responded. "I'll just have to tell my dad about it then." He continued. Our attention went directly to the policeman who was walking back to his car without goodbyes. We watched him start the engine and left. The gay guy who owned the Ferrari heaved a sigh like his burden has been taken from him. So I guess, I have to return to my own car and leave these two guys alone then, I thought.

As I was about to get into my car, I felt a grab on my shoulder.

"Hey, how about we all have a coffee or something..." The guy in flowery tee said and pointed at the cyclist who was waiting patiently beside his Ferrari.

"But I have to..." He then abruptly cut me off.

"I just want to thank you for lending me your phone..." He said, pulling me to his car.

"You car's a two-seater." I reminded him. He then let go of me and started laughing. I laughed with him.

"Well, how about you meet me at Jean's Café nearby." He offered. "Please come, I have a girl friend who's coming too." He quickly walked back to his car without waiting for my response. I guess I have to go then. I'll just hang around with them for a while, I said to myself.


As we took our seat in the café, the gay guy cleared his throat and smiled at me and the cyclist.

"I'm Sean by the way." He said loudly. Sean sure was one out and loud gay.

"I'm John." The cyclist turned to me and nodded bashfully. John somehow looked like those quiet and closeted crooks.

"I'm Archie." I retorted and shook both their hands.

"Archie? Are you from St. Theresa's High School?" Sean asked and scrutinized me from head to toe. His smile then grew wider and he unexpectedly threw his arms around me. What's with this gay guy? Do I know him?

I awkwardly and gently pulled myself away. "I'm sorry Archie, I guess I got carried away." He apologized. I then forgave him with a smile.

"You guys met before or something?" John asked. Sean and I both shook our heads and giggled.

"But I know her...well..." Sean retorted. "I've been hearing A LOT of good things about her." Okay, am I famous now or what? How did Sean know me? And from who?

"How'd you ..." I was cut off again when Sean turned to take a menu from the counter. Okay, I guess I should not talk anymore since I am being cut off every time. John's eyes followed Sean as he walked off. I could sense that John was into Sean.

"Archie, are you gay?" John surprisingly asked. I almost choke in breathing.

I swallowed hard. "Out and proud" I retorted. John smirked and leaned over to my ear. "I guess I am too." He whispered. I patted him on the shoulder with comfort that he was not alone.

"Okay, I just need to use the bathroom guys." Sean came back and handed the menu to us. His gaze when straight to John like he was giving him signs. And suddenly, John rose up from his seat.

"I need to go to the bathroom too..." He said, timidly. Okay, something was about to happen in the toilet, I thought. I then watched them leave and had my attention back to the menu. I quickly browsed through the menu and decided to go for a hot chocolate.

I looked out at the window just beside our table. The weather looked like it was about to rain. Suddenly, I saw a familiar car parking just in front of the café. A red Toyota Rush, which looked exactly like Jane's. I froze as I waited for the driver to come out. I couldn't see the driver from the front mirror, just the café's reflection. I waited nervously, but it seems that the driver was taking a long time to come out. Who could it be?

Suddenly, the door of the front seat slowly swung opened. I swallowed hard. And Jane came into sight, her gaze on my direction. I quickly ducked myself under the table, wishing she had never seen me.

"Archie, are you alright?"

I looked up to see Sean looking a little worried. I nodded and smiled tensely. "I thought I dropped something." I responded. John then took his seat beside me with a grin on his face. They had probably made out in the bathroom, I thought.

"Oh, she's here." Sean exclaimed as he went over to his friend. I had my attention fixed on the menu. Please let it not be Jane, I prayed in my head.

"Guys, I would like you to meet my best friend." Sean said. John waved at to whoever Sean's friend was. I was firm in my position, shivering while pretending to be looking at the menu.

"Sweetheart, Archie's here!" Sean said excitedly.

"I know." His friend replied. I knew that voice, it was Jane's.

"Arch, you just ended your ball practice?" Jane then took her seat beside me. I could feel my body heating up with exhilaration. I nodded and turned to face her. She just looked so beautiful that I felt my face turning red with embarrassment.

"So I guess you've met..." Jane said, as she took the menu from me and smiled. I compelled a smile in return.

"I didn't expect I'd bump into her in the accident, sweetheart." Sean then explained to Jane about me lending my phone and so on.

"And you didn't tell me that Archie's this cute..." Sean continued. Jane slapped Sean's hand and hushed him down.

"Don't listen to him Arch... He's talking nonsense." Jane then excused herself and quickly walked to the bathroom.

"By the way Arch, I THINK Jane likes you." Sean teased. I felt my heart skip a beat. I just hope she does, I thought.

"And oh, you sounded different on phone." Sean said. I was lost and quickly asked, "We talked on the phone?"

Sean nodded as he looked at the menu. "I actually picked up your call the other night in Jane's prom." He explained.

I grinned and started singing in my head.

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