Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 27 LAST CHAPTER

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Dear Archie,

If you ever open this letter (which I hope you do), I just want you to know that I miss you more than you can ever imagine and that I love you still. I apologized for anything or rather everything I had done to hurt you. I guess that sometimes sweeter love can never be, so thinking of the possibilities in my future made me come to a conclusion of letting you go. I know that I shouldn't even bother on explaining this again but I hope you know that from the day we ended, I never stop loving you.

You were the only person who had made me whole, even by just looking at me with those innocent eyes.

I love you,


I folded the letter and held it closer to where my heart was beating. And at once, I burst into tears. Her kisses and hugs felt like it happened yesterday. I could still vividly remember her smell and the way she rolls into a ball while my arms around her every after we made love. I could still make a sketch of her beautiful face in mind and hear her cheers whenever I played in a game. And lastly, I will never forget the day she confessed to me, which was something that made me smile on times when it came flashing back in my head every once in a while.

"Arch!" I turned to see Jane running towards me. I made a halt and waited for her to be nearer, but without anticipation in my eyes. I did want to see her, but my heart longed for her presence.

"I was calling you..." She grasped. She swallowed hard as she noticed my glares at her. I couldn't possibly hide my anger now. I was in fact, blazing with resentment after seeing her making out with some lesbian.

"Arch, are you okay...?"

"How was the kiss Jane?" I asked. Jane was confused as she blinked in shock. "You know what? Don't give me that bullshit and go back to your girlfriend." I firmly said and without giving Jane a chance to response, I quickly turned to leave.


"Are you able to play with that injury?" Coach Sam asked tensely. I immediately nodded and assured him that I was fine although my injured knuckle tingled a little.

He then whistled for everyone to gather around him. "Okay guys, we need to win this game to able to play for nationals!" Everyone shouted in accord to what Coach had said.

"Play like a team! For once, please act like you are all in a team." His gaze then went to me and nervously smiled. "Archie's injured so I do not need to see some sissy passing the ball at her every time." He then cleared his throat, "grab the chance to make a shot whenever possible, but do it in a team." The whole team nodded and scattered at once when the referee whistled for the game to start.

"Take care of yourself, Arch." Jen patted me on the back and smiled. I smiled in return.

I admit that the team did badly in the game. And due to my injury, I limit myself in tackling the enemies. And instead of us chasing for the scores, we ended up chasing the ball most of the time. Our communication subsided as the team stressed out to get points. Sandra and her two subordinates were not cooperating and had instead made the team play at their worst. Fortunately, I was still making shots well whenever I had the ball.

After a few quarters in the game, we were at the very last 2 minutes. I looked at my team mates who had given up on themselves in the 3rd quarter. Our score has pulled down everyone's fighting spirits as we were 12points behind. I released a sigh and felt the disappointment from our supporters who turned up. There's no way we are able to chase within the time left.

Then the game soon ended and everyone left the coliseum, including our opponents.

"You did well, Arch." Coach Sam praised as he passed me an energy drink. I nodded a smile with gratitude.

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