Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 4

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"Gotcha!" and I felt a grab on my shoulder. I look around to see my friend Jen all excited and at the same time smiling in anxiety.

"What happened to you? Are you alright now Arch?" She asked with a great concern.

I then made a quick drink to slake my thirst and replied, "I'm fine. Just worn out I guess."

Then we walked together to my locker. I felt safer when Jen's around. She is indeed a friend who could put me at ease whenever I felt insecure and, weird.

Then I asked as if I wasn't involved with the whole fainting scene.

"Jen, what really happened?"

Jen was distracted from her lollipop while checking out her crush loitering around the locker area who was ogling at some hot girls just across my locker. I just don't seem to understand why Jen would have a thing for stalkers. Well, that's what Misha made me think of her.

Misha, Jen's crush is a stalker. She was always around checking out the school glee club, which happened to have a leader that has a place in my top list of hottest girls in school, Patricia. Misha was never seen without her DSLR camera and her big black-framed glasses. She would surreptitiously take stolen shots of Patricia, which seemed to be too noticeable. Patricia, on the other hand, appeared to be amused that she has a stalker. I guess glee club members constantly yearn for the limelight.

"Huh?" Jen responded while hiding her interest away.

"I asked, what really happened just now?" I repeated in annoyance.

Jen grinned and said, "Well, you fainted in your classroom with Jane, who then alarmed everyone when she shouted for help" then she paused.

"And you should definitely see how she looked. She was so worried that I could almost see tears in both edges of her eyes! Or hot girls do have teary eyes? Well, whatever..."

"She looks even more stunning when she's troubled, I guess." And Jen let out a sigh.

Then I started imagining how Jane's reaction was when I fainted. She would probably look irresistibly charming with those teary eyes. Then I smiled to myself.

"What's up with you?" Jen asked, looking all interested as she saw my smirk.

"Nothing" I looked away and started taking out my notes from the locker. I grabbed all notes without going through each piece. I just couldn't stay longer now; I need to go home before Jen starts thinking of something that might begin a whole new conversation. I was drained from all the things that happened today. I just needed a good rest.

"So you're staying late in school?" I asked Jen, her eyes still on Misha.

"I guess so. I've too much things to handle." She retorted.

"Like what? Misha's Theory in stalking?" I jokingly teased.

"Whatever fainter!" She mocked back and laughed.

Then she apologized when my facial expression changed. It's not that I was affected about her calling me a fainter. But more of like, afraid to ever face Jane again after me looking all strange in the clinic, especially when I pulled myself away from her. She's probably thinking that I was disgusted of her or even worse in some ways.

Jen helped me in carrying my notes. And we went to where my mom was waiting. My mom was on her phone; probably the call has something to do with her work. And when she saw me came out from my Alma mater, mom then quickly puts down the phone and smiled at me. She then waved at Jen.

"Mom, about work again?" I asked.

Mom nodded. My mom does not talk about work whenever I am around. She's would put her job problems aside when there are time for the two of us. She was perhaps most likely grateful that she could get off from work early to pick me up.

I positioned myself at the back seat and offered Jen a ride given that she's not actually handling something important than observe her Misha. She agreed and took the seat beside me.

Then we went off in silence since my mom was driving. Jen knew that too. She pretty much knew my family for almost more than half of her life. So our journey back home was quiet that I could hear Jen softly tapping on her lap to the beat she was listening to from her iPod.

We dropped Jen first and went straight home.

Once we arrived home, I went right to the fridge to grab a bottle of orange juice. I was still thirsty. I took a tab of cookies& cream along from the freezer, submerged myself to the couch, turned on the TV and was then watching the Biggest Loser. It's not that I do watch the show; I was just too tired to change the channel. I quickly gulp down the orange juice and took a big scoop of ice cream to my mouth.

Then mom went in the living room and was wrapped in her favorite red bathrobe.

"And oh, I've canceled the enrichment lessons for your math." She said as she took a scoop of ice cream I was having.

" 'cause you simply know that it won't work me?" I asked with a grin

"Actually no..." mom replied and grabbed away the tab of ice cream from me, leaving her daughter disappointed.

She then took another scoop for herself and said, "You shouldn't be having this right now sweetie."

"But mom...'' I pleaded.

"No means no.'' mom firmly responded. And she went straight to the kitchen.

I gave a long sigh and quickly raised my lazy ass from the couch and was about to head for my bedroom.

Then mom suddenly pops her head form the kitchen and said, "by the way, I've talked to her. And she's dropping by at noon tomorrow for some lessons."

I paused halfway on the staircase.

"What mom? And who?" I asked in ignorance.

"Your tutor in school, I talked to her just now while you were taking your notes." She retorted and went nearer to me.

My mind was lost. Since when did I have a tutor? And a tutor in school?

Seeing my face in confusion, mom then made it clearer for me.

"She's your senior in school. She told me that she's offering a free tuition for you." She said contentedly. And I took a deep breath.

"And then?" I asked shakily.

"Well, I was glad that there was someone who could help you for free. So I accepted it." She said as her eyes shined. Who wouldn't be a happy with that anyway? Mom wouldn't have to worry about the expense she has been dealing with from enrichment classes that was futile to me.

I swallowed hard and asked, although I have someone in mind of who it was.

"Who mom?"

"Jane Smith, your coach's daughter." She replied with a wide grin and went back to the kitchen.

I forgot about that. Both my feet then felt weak that I had to drag it to my room.

Then I sunk myself to my bed and started thinking on how will I face her the next day. I quickly search for my phone and dialed for Jen. She has to be here when Jane is around.

"What's up?'' Jen asked cheerfully. "Don't tell me you're missing me now?" she joked.

"Nope, are you free tomorrow after school?" I asked sounding a little hesitant.

"Well, nope. We have practice.'' She retorted and quickly corrected her words, "actually it's more of like I have practice since you won't be coming tomorrow... right?"

"Doc's given me two days of leave." I said.

"Then you should rest back there Arch. Don't even plan of going out if that's what this phone call is for." She said, sounding like my mom.

"Actually no...'' I replied. "I just called to say that I'll miss you" I had to lie. Well, I'll definitely miss her; it's just that I had to lie about the phone call part.

"Don't worry, I'll drop by the day after tomorrow alright?" she promised. And I know that she wouldn't break something as easy as dropping by at my place. She loved crashing in my room anyway.

And then we hanged up and I just fell asleep.

I was awakened by my phone's vibration, someone was calling.

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