Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 11

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I annoyingly settled my bicycle at the parking rack and looked back to where I would normally park it. I was gone for two days and some fucking bitch just stole my parking space, I thought to myself. I them calmed myself with some breathing exercise. I couldn't possibly just come back with a black face now. I took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and enforced a smile on my face.

"Hey arch!" a girl shouted, waving at me. I waved back with a smile. Then a group of girls came rushing towards my direction. I looked back to see if there was some celebrity who had dropped by. Miley Cyrus came just a month ago and had a little concert, so probably some of her famous friends decided to come by as well. No famous personnel were there, just students chit-chatting. I turned back to see the group of girls in front of me, their eyes wide and shining. I smiled, looked back again and swallowed hard.

"How are you Arch?" a girl asked. I remembered this girl. She's one of the glee club members who were always tailing Patricia around. She went nearer and handed me a folded piece of paper. I bashfully took it with gratitude. So these girls were actually waiting for me.

"I'm fine." I replied shyly. The girls started giggling.

"You're so cute." Another girl said and pinched me on one of my cheeks. I felt tense now. Did that girl just called me cute or what? I asked myself.

"Anyway, do read that note soon alright?"

"I will." I responded shakily as I put the note in my pocket. The girls smiled one last time and headed back to their hang out place just beside the school gate. I felt their eyes on me as I walked to the school lobby.

I searched for Jen who had given me a wake up call earlier on. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly thought it was Jen.

I looked back to see not Jen but JANE smiling at me. I rubbed my eyes and gulped hard.

"Good morning sleepy head." She said and giggled.

"Good morning, my tutor." I retorted. Then to my surprise, she suddenly placed her palm on my forehead and smile. Anyone who was around us went silent as if they witnessed something extraordinary. I swallowed even harder while I felt Jane's warmth taking over me. I was frozen by her tenderness that even my breathing stopped in a moment.

"I guess you're completely fine now." She chuckled. I nodded. I am fine now since you are here, I thought.

"I've never been great." I responded with a smile. She then passed me a few math notes and bid farewell. I watched her disappear in the crowd and felt my heart aching as she went further.

"Bite me."

I turned to my side and saw Jen looking all stunned. She repeated, "Bite me."

"Bite you? That's disgusting!" I joked.

"I should have recorded that scene Arch. You don't normally see that around here." Jen said, still in amazed on what had just happened.

"Uh huh..." I replied, uninterested to what Jen was mumbling about. I opened my locker and a pink paper slipped off. I picked it up curiously, it looked like a note. Jen quickly grabbed it from me. She can be nosy at times. I let her read the note.

"Meet me at the garden located beside the outdoor basketball court during break." Jen read loudly.

"From who?" I asked Jen as I took out some books in my locker.

"No name Arch." She retorted. "You better not meet this person Arch. That basketball court is deserted dude! She could be a murderer yearning for your head." Jen continued, sounding a little creepy. I laughed at her and went off for my chemistry class.

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