Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 25

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It started raining heavily causing me to shiver in cold. But sadly, I left my sweater in the car. I looked out at the window, my gaze straight to my car and hoped that I had an umbrella.

"Arch, here's your hot chocolate..." I quickly turned to Jane and took my hot chocolate from her.

"Thanks..." I said, trembling. And for a moment, our eyes locked with each other. I was starting to burn up again, which was what I exactly needed in this cold ambiance.

"Jane, are you excited for the finals tomorrow?" I said, watching her gently took a sip from her cappuccino. Jane nodded and smiled.

"Actually, you looked more excited for the regional Arch..." She giggled. "Dad told me how hard you were practicing...just now..." She continued, her eyes glued on mine. I wanted to feel her face and outline her features. She looked gorgeous as time passed.

"Arch..." I was abruptly distracted.

"I am actually... nervous for tomorrow." I said, and looked away.

Jane chuckled and placed her hand on mine. "Don't worry about it, you'd do well." I felt electricity from her touch. Oh god, why'd she have to do that? I shouted in my head. I then started shaking a little, probably because it was cold and partly because Jane WAS JUST BESIDE ME.

"Are you cold...?" Jane asked. I quickly nodded as I rubbed both my hands on my arms.

"Don't they turn off the air conditioner here?" I mumbled. Jane laughed softly and suddenly took of her leather jacket.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Lending you my jacket?" She responded, smiling. I quickly took a sip from my hot chocolate and gulped hard.

"I don't want it..." I retorted. How could I possibly borrow her jacket when she's in some thin top? I shook my head and stopped her from taking it off.

"But Arch..." she insisted, fighting my strength over her.

"No Jane, you need it more than I do..." And suddenly, Sean cleared his throat from the side.

"Girls, why don't you just share?" He mocked. He was probably agitated about the small commotion we were having. Somehow, Sean looked like he was enjoying John's company so I didn't really take notice of the gay guys' presence.

"Arch, why don't we just share?" Jane said, glaring at Sean. Sean smiled with an eyebrow raised.

"Actually, I have a sweater in the car." I snapped in, distracting the best friends' moment of gaze.

"You want me to help you get it Arch?" Jane asked, as she put her jacket back on. I quickly rejected her offer.

"I'd get it myself... I just need an umbrella." I retorted as I rose up from my seat.

"Arch, I could ask someone in the counter to lend you an umbrella." Sean suggested and walked hastily to the counter. He then returned and handed me an umbrella.

Jane unexpectedly stood up and slipped her arms around mine. Sean choked from his coffee and drew a grin on his face. I too was as stunned.

"I want to follow..." Jane said, unexpectedly. Okay, probably the rain excites her or something?

"Are you guys together or something?" Sean asked, teasing. Jane shut him off as she quickly pulled me to the door.

"Sean could be an ass sometimes." She mumbled. I giggled as I pressed my arms to her. She then took my hand and held my wrist.


We rushed to my car and quickly opened the front seat. I then searched for my sweater which was stuffed further in the back. Suddenly, there was a loud roar of the thunder. Jane jumped in surprised and started trembling. I automatically threw my arms around her for comfort. And for that moment, our eyes locked.

Her hand was shaking as she held the umbrella. I pulled myself away and took over the umbrella, nervously. Why did I even have the guts to hug her? Stupid me, I thought.

"You want to get in the car first?" Jane asked, shivering. I quickly nodded and gestured her to the back seat. We both went in.

"Oh god, I hate thunders!" Jane shouted with irritation and started wiping herself dry. I watched her and smiled.

Jane then cleared her throat while her eyes on me. I snapped myself back with a giggle.

"My sweater..." I said, shaking. "You're sitting on my sweater." I continued, pointing at my sweater which was comfortably lying below her. Jane laughed tensely and pulled my sweater out. She then handed it to me. I could feel that there was awkwardness between the two of us.

"You wanna get back to the café now?" I asked as I wore my sweater on. Then there was thunder again, causing us to jump off our seats. We both laughed.

"Arch, you're not afraid of anything huh?"

I faced her and smiled. "Actually, I hate cockroaches." Jane burst into laughter which made me smile wider.

"Actually...I don't feel like going back yet Arch..." Jane shyly said as she surprisingly laid her head on my shoulder. I thought I was going to faint. I swallowed hard and looked at her head.

"Okay..." I gasped.

"Let's wait till the rain's gentler." She continued. I placed my arms around her for warmth. Jane looked at me and smiled in silence. I could do this forever, I thought.

"You want some songs?" she asked, and quickly took out her phone from her pocket. I nodded. Jane then started playing some song in loud speaker. The songs being played were just perfect in one of my most memorable moments. I laid my head on hers as we listened in content.


And there was a knock. Jane and I quickly looked at each other, surprised. We in fact, had fallen asleep. She then gave a small yawn and started giggling. I laughed with her. We looked out to see Sean robustly banging on my window. I quickly opened it and was greeted with his annoyed glares.

"What have you two been doing here? Fucking?" He said, irritably. Jane laughed in response while I nodded a smile. We noticed that the rain had stopped. I then slowly swung open the car door and went out. Jane followed me from behind.

"Okay, my dad has called and he wants me back home now." Sean continued and gave kisses to Jane and me. I searched for John, who was no where in sight.

"Where's John?" I asked.

"He's in the car... I'll be sending him home." Sean retorted and surprising held my hands. He then pulled me closer to his side.

"You better take care of my bestie." He whispered with a chuckle and kissed my cheek. I smiled in return. He then hugged Jane and walked off.

"No fucking!" Jane shouted at Sean, and he gave a middle finger as a response.

Jane then had her gaze on me.

"It's getting late..." I quickly said. "so I guess we should go home now Jane."

Jane agreed and held my hand. "Good luck for tomorrow Arch." I smiled in return. I then watched her walked back to her car. And for the moment, I wanted to run after her and tell her of my longing, but I held myself firmly. I couldn't have another rejection after the blissful time with her today, I thought.

Jane then waved at me with a smile and went in the car. I watched her drove off from the parking lane and till she was no where in sight. I heaved a sigh.

I then craved this day in my head since it could be the last.

****Hey guys, I'm sorry to inform you that I wouldn't be writing for a couple of days from now. I had just ended up 10 month long relationship so I am kinda in a mess to think properly. Don't worry though; I assure you that I won't be gone for too long. Cheers!

Gay Pride, my friend.

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