Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 20

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I quenched my thirst with an energy drink; it sure was an exhausting workout with Sandra. I then watched Jane took her seat at a bench and looked at the surrounding. It was one place in school that I had never been before. I didn't know that there was a small yard just located outside the gymnasium. There were different orchids and wild flowers around, which wonderfully blossomed. I took a deep breath and felt the magnificence of the scene's beauty.

"Arch, I'm sorry about what Micah did." My attention then went directly to the lady who perfectly suits the atmosphere.

"It's alright." I responded. I could feel my heart racing again. I walked closer to her, fidgeting the bottle I was holding. Jane then looked up, her eyes dazzling. I stifled.

"I just want to say that..." she paused and looked away. "I should have told you earlier about me and Micah." I listened.

"I don't even know the reason why she decided to study here." She said, both her hands tightly gripped. I could sense that she was probably nervous as well.

"She has dropped out of high school three years ago during her second year..." Jane continued. 3 years ago? I then started counting in my head. So in other words, Micah was a year older than me, and Jane.

"You mean...?" I mumbled.

"She's dad's first child." Jane retorted as she saw my confusion. Well, it looked more of like Jane's the older sister. And with my mind still in uncertainty, I took a seat beside her, still trying to process what I had just heard.

"Micah rebelled when she found out that dad had another family." I listened more intently. "Basically, I was the mistress' daughter." Jane explained.

"So, are you in good terms with your sister?" I asked. Jane then faced me, a little smile formed on her face.

"We were so-called friends slash enemies." She replied. "But I can feel that she cares for me, just in her own ways." Jane continued with a chuckle. I smiled, after knowing that at least, the two sisters have a bond.

"So where's Micah's mom now?" I asked, curious on why Micah moved in with them.

"Aunt Marie died just 6 of months ago." She paused, "so she came to live with us."

I then took a deep breathe and asked, "Do you have any idea on why Micah hated me this much?" Jane smiled.

I needed to know on what was Micah's trying to show through with her mystifying messages, in my bathroom and in the locker room. And of course, I needed to know who the anonymous girl was.

"I don't know Arch." She retorted and looked down at her hands. She looked more tensed now.

"Maybe she's mad about you dating Patricia?" Jane continued, looking a little disappointed. I swallowed hard. Jane probably thinks that I am an ass and that I girl-hop. I had to tell her the truth.

"Actually, we're not dating..." I responded. Jane looked shocked.

"So what Arch?" Jane asked, probing.

I was then reminded of Patricia's threat. I had to take it back before someone finds out about it, passes the message around which will eventually lead to the evil Patricia. I swallowed hard again and replied, "It's better if I tell you after your prom."

Jane nodded, was a little dissatisfied with my response. She might be thinking that I am covering my ass up. If this wasn't for my best friend, I would have told Jane. Damn, I hate my life now!

"Well, so I guess..." Jane paused, "we're friends?" She stood up, her hand direct to my face, waiting for me to shake it. Friends? I then felt a pang in my chest. But I love you Jane, I thought.

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