Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 21

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I searched for an end in what seemed to be a maze. There were statues of ancient gods from every turn I made. I looked up to see the clouds spiraling in the dark, a warning of yet another storm, I guess. But how would I know? I have never been here before, or have I?

I ran as fast I could, worried on directions I chose. I was lost, but couldn't be bothered. I just need to get out of here, I thought. Suddenly, I was taken a back when a lightning came slashing through the sky. I shivered as I witnessed it hit and burned a tree, just not far from me. I quickly fell on my knees and started crawling. I hate lighting.

As I moved on hands and knees, I noticed that the ground was covered in tiles, bathroom tiles. Where the hell am I? All of a sudden, I felt water on my face. I paused and swallowed hard.

I looked to where the water came from. And to my shock, she was there, bathing. I choked. I quickly look around and unexpectedly found myself back in the cheerleaders' shower area, with no maze, statues and upcoming storms. It was just me on my knees with Jane, fully bared. She then slowly turned to face me, as if she was expecting an audience.

"Arch, join me." I anxiously rose up, my eyes glued on her genetically blessed body. Jane extended a hand for me to hold. I held it, walked closer, trembling.

"Jane...I..." Jane then placed her index finger on my lips, telling me to be in silence. She then slowly unbuttoned my pants while breathing on my neck. I started to burn up in sensation. Both my hands went directly on her hips, pulling her closer. I'll kiss her this time round, I told myself.

We both closed our eyes, fired up to seal a kiss. But as our lips touched, I heard someone singing. I quickly opened my eyes to see Jane nowhere in sight. Not another dream again!

I stretched a yawn and looked at my clock, it was 9am. Fortunately, it was a Saturday. I rose up from my bed, walked over to my window and looked out to see dad singing some English opera while mowing the front lawn. Dad seemed to be in a good mood.

I went for the kitchen to grab myself some morning fix. Mom was there, baking a cake. Isn't it nice to have both my parents in the house? I greeted mom a pleasant morning and walked over to the dining table, where a sumptuous feast was laid.

"Arch sweetie" I looked up to mom while mouth full with blueberry pancakes.

"Uh huh..." I responded.

"Patricia told me that you're invited for their party tonight?" She asked while wiping both her hand on her apron. I choked and immediately searched for something to drink. Mom then hurriedly passed me a glass of orange juice; I gulped the juice down at once.

"What party mom?" I asked, surprised.

"You don't know sweetie?" Mom replied. I was clueless and gave mom a nod.

"Well, I don't know about it too." Mom responded. "Well, Patricia's seems to be a wonderful young lady so I guess it won't be a bad party." She continued.

I was still lost. "I mean, you should go even if you don't know sweetie." Okay, what's up with mom? She's asking me to go to some party which she and I didn't even know. Please don't tell me that even Patricia's manipulative mind has taken over my mom. I took a deep breath.

"Mom, I am not going to some party that I don't know." I retorted. "And besides, I have to practice for the upcoming match we are having on Friday."

"But you don't have a rehearsal for today or even tomorrow." Mom replied and sat beside me.

"Well, I can play ball with dad." I then took an apple.

"That's the thing. Have your forgotten that your dad has wanted you to stop basketball?"

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