Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 16

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We entered the school hall, her hands in mine. I looked at her at the side and I could see her eyes glinting atrociously. I have never seen Patricia so desperate and wicked. I slowly took a step forward from the main entrance of the hallway. Cheerleaders and players were loitering around, not even noticing us. I searched for Jane. I hope she was not anywhere closer.

"Arch, hurry up!" Patricia demanded and pulled me to her side, her hands tightly holding mine. I swallowed hard.

The glee club members become aware of our presence and rushed towards their "leader". They started giggling when they saw us holding hands. I wanted to pull away but Patricia seemed to have imprisoned my hand with hers. I looked away, trying not to be seen by anyone besides the glee club.

"We're dating." Patricia happily announced.

The girls then started screaming as if they had witnessed a perfect couple in a romance movie came to life. Everyone's attention was diverted on us. I looked around and saw Jen gawking in surprise. Micah, who was beside her, was as stunned. I propelled a smile at them. Patricia looked to where I was smiling. She rolled her eyes at Jen and Micah, and gave me a kiss on a cheek, a notion which conveyed that I was hers.

"You are not to tell anyone about this." Patricia whispered. I shuddered in fear. She was definitely making things difficult for me. I quickly looked away from my friend and forced myself to head straight for the practice, with of course, Patricia holding my hand. Jen must have thought that I am a complete ass. If Jen just knew... I heaved a sigh.

"Patricia, are you gonna follow me everywhere till the end of your prom?" I irritably asked. She smiled and nodded.

"I mean everywhere?" I stressed out.

"I'll pick you up for school in the morning, send you back home, have breaks with you and follow you to your practices..." she happily stated and held my hand tighter. If my hand breathes, it's probably dead by now.

"Arch, am I the perfect girlfriend?"

"I'm the unlucky one." I mumbled.

"For two weeks..." Patricia turned me to face her. "For two weeks, you will definitely learn to love me." She insisted with a smirk.

"This is just one of those trials." I retorted and walked away quickly, leaving her behind. I heard Patricia cleared her throat. I halted and looked to where she was standing, with arms folded. I've almost forgotten that she has to be around, anywhere and everywhere or I'll be doomed. I then motioned her to come beside me.


"What's with you and Patricia?" Jen asked, while trying to get the ball from me.

"You've heard it." I retorted while bouncing the ball. She smirked as she grasped for air.

"You never like her." She responded and headed straight for the ball. I slid to the side and aimed the ball at the ring. It went in. I looked at Jen who has fallen flat on the floor and smiled.

"I guess I do now, fuck face."

Coach Sam whistled at us for a break. I offered my hand to Jen and helped her stood up. She smiled and smacked my butt. I gently punched her on one of her arms and started tickling her from the side. We both wrestled on the floor, laughing.


I looked back to see Patricia with a towel in one hand and a bottle of drink in the other. Why does she have to break the fun? I quickly rose up and ran towards her, leaving Jen on the court, alone.

"You both are close huh?" Patricia asked, with one eyebrow raised. I nodded and took a gulp on the drink she offered. Patricia then wiped my sweat off, her eyes on mine. Damn, I feel like asphyxiating anytime in this noxious atmosphere with Patricia.

Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now