Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 23

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"Aren't you going home yet, Arch?" I was abruptly distracted from making a shot in the hoop, and quickly had my attention on Coach Sam. I nodded with look of concentration.

"You shouldn't work yourself too much." He said in concern and walked closer to where I stood, holding the ball with both hands. "Tomorrow's the big day... you better go home and rest Arch."

I then shook my head and made a shot. It went in. I released a sigh and looked to where Coach Sam was standing. I studied him as he stood not more than a couple of meters away. His eyes were exactly as of Jane's, very alluring. But of course, his daughter's stares had more affection than his. Coach Sam somehow looked sad and alone, probably because he lost his wife. And at the same time, he has an impression of urgency in him, like he was always stress out on something. I walked closer to him as he handed me a drink.

"Thanks..." I said. He smiled; I could feel his gaze on me. I awkwardly drank the drink he offered.

"Arch, I know you'd grab most points for the team." He said and gestured me to sit at a bench. I sat, drinking uncomfortably and he positioned himself beside me. Coach Sam has been relying too much on my abilities in the game, which unfortunately was very straining.

"Coach, I'd give my best." I responded and quickly took a deep breath. "But I hope the others would too." I continued. Although the team had been practicing real hard, we still lack of something which might be the cause of our fall for tomorrow's game. We lack communication in the group. It's like everyone has their own clan to stick with which obviously lead to our lack of teamwork. I could sense that Coach Sam too, was as disappointed as I am.

I give gave him a pat of comfort and smiled. "Coach, we'll just play our best." He heaved a sigh and nodded in accord. Then he rose up and stretched himself up, I watched him and actually saw my dad in him.

"Arch, you better go home now and take a good rest." He yawned and looked at me. "If tomorrow's game isn't ours, it won't be ours, Arch. Remember that." Coach Sam smirked and walked off. He did have a point, I thought.

I sat alone in gymnasium and looked at the empty court. Then, imagination of me making the last shot in a game came playing in my head. I started to smile at myself with such thought. It wouldn't happen, I mumbled to myself.

I was then reminded of the small garden just outside the gym, where Jane took me before. And immediately, I decided to go to that peaceful realm. I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the gym.


I swung the door open and was then greeted with a cool breeze. Then I dropped my bag on the ground and took a deep breath. This place looked more magnificent, I thought. I stood up on a bench just beside the orchids, had both my arms wide open like as if I was flying. And slowly, I closed my eyes and envisioned myself with Jane. Jane embracing me from behind, Jane kissing me on the neck and Jane making out with me appeared in my longing mind. I then opened my eyes and shouted for her name.

"JANE!" I cried out to the wind. I took a deep breath again and called out for her. "JANE!" The second one sounded louder. I started giggling to myself as my body felt at ease. I didn't expect shouting was another way of distressing. "JANE SMITH!" I gasped.

"What are you doing Arch?"

Instantly, I turned around to see Coach Sam standing at the door. He looked shocked as his eyes were on me. I swallowed hard and nervously enforced a smile. Damn it, he was probably wondering why I was shouting for his daughter's name. I could feel myself shaking as the bench moved, causing soft thumps as it hit the ground. I wish I could commit suicide now, I screamed in my head.

"Are you calling out for my daughter?" He walked closer to the bench, offered a hand for me to come down.

"Yes... I mean, no." I shivered. I couldn't possibly tell him that I love his daughter right? Or it would be death... And besides, I don't think he'd want his daughter with a lesbian. I sat on the bench and quickly had my gaze on my sneakers.

"Arch, you like my daughter?" Oh god, please make me invisible now, I prayed in my head. I could feel my hand sweating and mouth dry in uneasiness. I thought I'd run out of life anytime soon. I'd rather dehydrate myself to death than be interrogated by Coach Sam.

"Arch, I understand." He said as he placed his hand on mind. Coach Sam perhaps felt me in tense and quickly held my hand tighter. "I know you love her." He continued. Oh god, since he knew, it's time for him to kill me then. He'd probably make me a fertilizer for his the orchids. I swallowed hard and shakily faced him. Coach Sam was smiling with warmth in his eyes. Why doesn't he put on that murder glares? I thought.

"Coach, I didn't mean to..." I said my voice hoarse.

"You didn't mean to fall for her...?" He asked as he held my both my hands. "Micah has told me everything." Oh Micah, what did you say?

"You're actually the talk of the two sisters almost every night." Coach Sam cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Micah being my daughter." He apologized genuinely as his gaze went straight back to me. "Micah wanted to keep it a secret from all students, beside school staff that is." He explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe she's embarrassed for me having another family." Coach Sam looked saddened. I felt that I needed to give him a hug of comfort. It was the first time I witnessed Coach Sam with such misery. I guess his daughters were his weakness in life.

"Coach... it's alright now." I assured him a smile. "I think Micah's enjoying her time as your daughter and Jane's sister now." Coach Sam sniffed. For a moment, I thought he was crying.

"But you know what Arch, there's nothing I can do..." My gaze went back to his teary eyes, "If both my daughters are gay." Did Coach Sam just say that both his daughters are gay? Like lesbian? Gay as in not happy but queer as in fuck you kind-of-thing? I was speechless in surprise.

"I know you love my daughter." He placed his arm around my shoulder. "I knew it from the day you fell hard on the shower." He smiled and gave me a wink. Okay, so which shower is he talking about? The day I lied about falling in shower or the day I slipped and literally fell in the cheerleaders' shower area. But whatever it is, Coach Sam do know of my feelings for his daughter.

"Anyway, I guess I have to go now..." He stood up and walked over to the orchids. "My babies are blooming aren't they?" He looked at me for a response. I nodded with a smile.

As he was about to leave, he looked at me in the eyes and smiled. "Coach..." I called up and ran towards him. "Thanks Coach." He patted my head and said, "Whatever may happen, take care of my daughter." I then watched him walked off.

I heaved a sigh, stared blankly up in the sky and shouted again for Jane. I was then distracted when I remembered the guy who had picked up the call? Who could the guy be? Maybe Jane HAS turned straight. Oh fuck, I thought.

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