Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 10

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***Everyone, I'll try my very best to really watch out for wrong grammars as I write. It's the first story I've written and basically have no idea on how conversations or actions are written in words. Enjoy!

I moaned as I heard shrills coming from outside my room. I immediately rose up and cleared my drowsy eyes. I looked to my side, Samantha was gone. It was around 10am. I stood up and directly went out of my room. I sluggishly searched around for the piercing sound. It looked like it came from the kitchen.

I was startled as I saw Samantha standing on a chair while holding a tong in one hand and was screaming her lungs out. She noticed me enter the kitchen and started to look even more mortified.

"Arch, there's a cockroach!" she cried. I wanted to laugh but forbid my self to do so or I might see that tong she was holding, flying at me. I calmed her down and took her by the hand.

"It's alright." I said as I carried her in my arms. She composed herself as she looked at me intently in the eyes. I gazed at her lovingly. Samantha seems to weaken me every time I looked at her. In that very moment, I just thought that I couldn't leave her alone in this world, especially now that her family is in a huge mess.

She wiped her face dry from her tears as I placed her on the dining table. I took the tong by her hand and quickly took over her what she was cooking. The bacons were burned which I thought was funny. I then giggled to myself.

I felt Samantha watching me as I prepared breakfast. I smiled once in a while as I fried the bacons. She seemed to have stopped worrying about cockroaches and had her eyes glued on me.

"Just bacon?" I asked, trying not to be distracted by her stares.

"I want eggs too." She chuckled and pointed to where the eggs were. I giggled. I had never imagined myself cooking breakfast when cooking was something I cursed myself of doing. I, in fact, hate cooking.

We had our breakfast quietly as I kept apologizing on bacons that were slightly burned and undercooked. Samantha was fine with it since her cooking was far off worse than mine. Still, we enjoyed our meal.

After breakfast, we washed the dish together. She soaped the cutleries while I did the rinsing.

"Oh yeah, I talked to your mom." Samantha said.

"What did she say?" I asked as I placed the plates on its stand.

"She asked on why I was here early, so I told her about what happened last night." Samantha responded,

We headed back to my bedroom after doing the dishes. Samantha went for a shower while I did my revision. I was distracted when mom called.

"Hey mom..."

"Sweetie, I'm sorry I couldn't prepare breakfast for you. I had to rush for work.'' She apologized.

"It's fine mom. I've eaten. Samantha and I prepared breakfast." I responded assuredly and burped.

"Ohh... Samantha..." mom said. "I saw her looking all miserable just now. I feel bad for her." She continued. I could sense that mom felt genuinely terrible from the tone of her voice. I then guaranteed mom that Samantha was alright and that she was having a shower. After a while, I heard mom's colleague in the background. Mom instantaneously bid goodbye and hanged up on me.

Samantha suddenly appeared in front of me with just a towel wrapped around her. The scent of her cologne filled my whole room. The essence of lavender was so strong that I choked as Samantha bent over to check what I was doing. She giggled as I suddenly pulled away.

"You don't like my new perfume?" she asked as she went directly to a small baggage she had brought along. She drew out a scarlet bra with matching girl boxer. I gulped hard and tried to stop myself from stirred up.

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