Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 18

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I took my seat in the class and quickly had my gaze to where my previous chair, which was unfortunately taken and owned by Micah. She hasn't arrived yet. I looked around, everyone was busy, either chatting away or doing their own thing.

I stealthily took the blue cap I had found just days ago. I then stroked my hand on its embroidery. "JMS" I read in mind. I am going to find out on what's really going on. There was something about Jane and Micah being related. It was definitely a reason on why Micah was so affected about me "dating" Patricia and her mysterious indirect signs.

Suddenly, I felt a grab on my shoulder. I quickly put the cap back in my bag and turned around. It was Micah.

"Hey!" I greeted, still frightened of her. She then came closer as if wanting to see what I was hiding. I moved aside, covering my bag.

"What are you up to now Arch?" She politely asked. She didn't seem to have the hate aura with her. She has probably cooled down.

"Nothing" I responded and released a sigh.

"Nice ride by the way." She said and walked over to her seat. My eyes followed her. She looked familiar from behind, with her brunette hair tied up.

"Thank you." I mumbled. As she took her seat, my eyes were glued on her. There was something about Micah. I watched her from her side and outlined her features in my head. I watched her blinked her eyes and laid her head on her hand. She seemed bored, or rather sleepy. She suddenly glanced at my direction and I looked away, but my eyes still looking at the side.

The lesson started from the moment our advisor stepped in the class. During that period, my focus was on Micah. The longer I looked at her, I noticed that she appeared, and somewhat looked like Jane. She has kissable lips like Jane, lashes that was very provocative like Jane, and eyes that was a little tragic than Jane, but stunning. Micah has features of Jane. I froze. It couldn't be...? Are they sisters? It could probably be the reason on why Micah reacted in a way I never expected.

My attention was then directed to the blue cap in my bag. I secretly took it out again, and observed the letters sewn on it. "J. M. S." I read softly again. "M" could stand for Micah and "S" for Smith. And what's with "J"? Jane?

"Ms. Ramsey!"

I looked up to see everyone's attention on me. So was Micah. I then dropped the cap back in my bag and hoped she didn't notice anything. Mrs. Callie, my advisor, glared at me. I nervously smiled at her. She then went back to her lesson and I quickly released my breath I held when I heard my surname. That was close.


"Arch!" Patricia was waiting just outside my classroom. I've almost forgotten about her tailing me around. I passively walked to her. She then kissed my cheeks and wrapped her arms around mine. I then noticed Micah rolled her eyes from the side as she passed us. I swallowed hard. She still hates me, I thought.

"Let's not go to the cafeteria Arch." Patricia said, pulling me. I followed submissively. We then ended up in the middle of the school garden. There was a feast on what looked like a folded table just beside the fountain. A server was waiting patiently at one side, while holding a champagne bottle. Patricia could sure do anything with money.

"What's all this Pat?" I asked a little surprised. She then smiled and gestured me to take my seat. The waiter then opened the champagne and filled our glasses halfway. He then lit the candle which was placed in the middle and started slicing the steak.

"This place's important." She responded with both her eyes glinting. Patricia looked like she was about to cry. This was in fact the place where she confessed of her feelings. I didn't bothered and started eating.

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