CHAPTER 3: SleepOver Part 1 The Mistake

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<a/n> yeah chapter three is here.

Warning a little smut type of thing.

My friend is gonna kill me, oh well.

Oh btw McD meant to be McH<a/n>


3rd P.O.V

Once everyone is at McH.

“Where is Luna?”  Lily asked nerves wondering if Luna would come.

“Ima here. With my cousin.” Luna says. Luna walked in the McH with a dragon hybrid girl that doesn't have here wings yet. She has dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.

“Hey how does it go? I'm Astrid Rose” the dragon hybrid said. As they introduced each other Sarah hugged Astrid like it was the end of the earth as we know it. Astrid of course hugged back.

“It’s so good to see you again Sarah.” Astrid said.

“Anyway this is Dan “-pointing at Dan-”this is Lily”-pointed at Lily-”and this is Jay”-pointed at jay-”I hope you don’t mind but Dan is my boyfriend Astrid.” Sarah explained to Astrid while Astrid nodded. Astrid looks over the friends again and nods, then whisper something to Luna. Luna just shrugs and whispers back. The other where confused beside Sarah.  They stop whispering to each other and looked at Lily. Lily noticed and finally decided to speak.

“Okay let's get going to my house we will have to walk though.” Everyone sighed beside Luna and Astrid.

“Don’t worry I can drive us to your house Lily.” Astrid said. Everyone looked at her.

<friend 2 a/n> everyone looked at her? Rapeeeeee < friend 2 a/n>

<a/n> Nooooo not like that<a/n>

“You have a car?” Lily asked.

“Yeah I might be in 10th grade but I’m 16, and I have a driver’s permit.” Astrid said.

“Okay let’s go.” Lily said running outside of McH.

<a/n> beloved readers McH means Max's chicken House <a/n>

They all got into Astrid’s car and drove of to Lily’s house. Once they’re at lily’s house they got out of the car. Lily unlocked her house. Once they saw her house they were surprised to see how big inside was and how clean it was.

“Welcome to me and my Aunt’s house.” Lily said.

“You don’t live with your parents house?” Dan ask Lily.

“Nope they died when I was 6 by the….. Never mind that.” Lily said. Dan, Sarah, Luna, and Astrid gave Lily a are you okay look. But no one said anything.

“Hehe what should we do?” Jay asked.

“Oh I know, how about hiding go seek.” Sarah said.

Sarah P.O.V.

The only reason I said that is cause Lily told me a great hiding spot for me and Dan. Lily winked at me cause what I said. She knew I planned that.

“I’ll count go hide.” Lily spoked, yep just going as planned. Luna ran off same with Astrid and Jay. This game does help us out on are animal side, but I have my reason why I said this game and my love. I grabbed Dan’s arm and start to run to the place I was told to go. I felt my face blush a bit. There is this shed that is 10 feet away from the house in the forest but still in the house range.We had to dodge some tree branches and poison olive as we ran to the shed. Once inside I let go of Dan’s arm and shut the door and locked it. I turned around to see Dan staring at me.

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