chapter 23

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A/n this is the demon
This is demon Luna

3 rd P.O.V

“AHHHHH!!!!!” Travis screams as he falls to the floor blood flowing out of him.

Luna’s P.O.V

I open my eyes to see my dad on the ground, a bullet wound in his stomach. I looked down at my clothes noticing his blood on me. My eyes widen I quickly went down to my dad, tears falling from my eyes.

“Dad please don’t die. I can’t lose you like mom” I choke out, I put my head on his chest crying onto him. I can’t lose him.

“L-luna p-please d-don’t cry.” he spoke quietly, I felt a hand touch my ears. Dad I need you, please hang on.

“D-dad you c-can’t die! I still need you!” I yelled holding him closer to me. I don’t want to let go of him.

“L-luna you h-have to l-let g-go of me, p-please l-live a wonderful life *cough*”

“DAD PLEASE DON’T GO!!” He coughs more, blood coming out as he coughs. Someone lifts me up and hugs me. I see my dad barely breathing, but he mutters something, but I heard him “L-luna live f-for m-me and y-y-your mom, please stay alive a-and Lilith I kept m-my promis.” I broke free of the hug and hugged my dad, I felt a small kiss on my forehead.

“I will dad I will.” I whisper, he went limp as I stood up seeing my now lifeless dad. That f*cking bastard, he will pay, no not just him all of Light Fang, but dad wouldn’t want me to live like this. Someone pushes me out of the way. I look to see Dan with a gunshot wound in his leg. Dan shown pain in his eyes, but refuse to show it. I stare at Dracul, he is so dead. I got up and looked to Dan he couldn’t stand.

“Sarah! Dan needs help!” I yelled to Sarah, she nodded and ran to Dan helping him. I looked back at my dad, no more tears. Let it out. LET IT OUT. I KNOW YOU WANT TO. LeT mE tAkE cArE oF hIm.  I start seeing red and I felt pain on my head, but I still have control. No I’ll take care of just give me your power. So you want to have the guilt killing someone. Yes I want to kill him. Okay dear. But your voice will still be like mine. I don’t care. I looked at my hands and see claws, my fur sticking up. I felt my fangs grown, I touch my head and felt horns. I notice I have two tails. I smile and looked at Dracul, I see him backing up.

What’s wrong, never seen a demon before.” I spoke a demonic yet still my voice. I see fear in his eyes. I dash to him and grab him by the throat, were against the a wall. He starts to gasp for air, pulling on my hand. I use my right arm to stab him in his stomach. Pain cross his face, I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder, so I let go of his throat, but my arm still in his stomach holding up. I turn to see the leader holding a gun pointed at me. I glare at him, he backed up abit.

Light Fang leader P.O.V

I shot her, I flippen shot her, what did I do? I had to she was on Dracul, just like her mother on my dad. I see her glare at me, I know fear is shown. I have to do something, but what.

“Dad get out of there now, the car is in the back hurry up, my love is mad.” my son said through an eyepiece.

“Alright son, we lost Dracul, and where having a talk about your taste in girls.” I said backing away from the wolf demon. She still looking at me like I’m her next target. I sigh and shot her one more time, but in the stomach. I ran and threw a smoke bomb to cover me. I see the car and I notice Lucinda.

“Where are you going?” She asked. Ugh that traitor, I don’t have time for this bullsh*t.

“Lucinda leave, or I’ll shoot.” I spoke.

“Will you really shoot me? Aren’t you to chicken to kill?” I aim the gun at her, but I can’t kill her she’s like a daughter. I sigh I need to leave I pulled the trigger and shot her in the left leg.

“B*TCH!!” She yelled out in pain. I jump in the car seeing my son in the car already.

“Drive we need to leave.” My son hit the gas and drove off.

end Chapter 23

A/N still short, but whatever I’m going to cry while writing now, I liked Travis, Travis is dead, I’m sad now, TheLunarMoonWolf is done bye *cries*

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