chapter 17

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Dracul P.O.V (aka ??? p.o.v. last chapter)

I waited outside the boss’s room so I can talk to him and his boy. About 5 more minutes I see his boy. Raven black hair with red tips and crimson red eyes sharp like knives. He’s a wolf hybrid and his ears are black as the night same with his tail.

“Well it took you long enough to get out here.” I said.

“My father told me what to do. Are you sure you want to kill them?”

“Of course I’ll kill them like I did with there mother.” I said hugging myself.

“Whatever.” He started to walk off and I soon follow. We enter and white car and drove off. After a while of driving we park into a hotel parking lot.

“You’ll be staying here and the car is yours to use or you can drive in the black one over there if you want.” I said holding up two keys in front of him, my right hand is to the white car the left to the black car. He pick the black car and I got into the white and left him. Oh I can’t wait to see my children faces when they know I’m alive.

Timeskip to lunch

Dan P.O.V

I sense something bad is going to happen today. Yesterday was weird I wonder what’s up with Luna. I sat down outside waiting for the others. First is Luna setting her pack lunch down. She look at me and sighed. I look at her giving a what face.

“No lunch again?” She asked catching me off guard.

“Why do you care if I don’t eat lunch.” I said looking away.

“Here.” I look towards her seeing she rip her sandwich in half, she spoke up, “it’s ham and cheese.” I grabbed the half and started to eat it. She nodded then hand me half of a cookie it’s a sugar cookie. I also take it. Might ask when no one's here yet.

“Luna are you okay yesterday you seem out of it?” I asked hoping she would answer.  She looked at me and sigh taking a quick drink of water.

“I…..I’m afraid of what I am. I kept in control, but what if I lost it. I could have killed someone. Dan I shouldn’t be alive.” She said looking away, I notice tears prick her eyes.

“Luna… don’t say that, okay? I know how you feel, I asked your dad to kill me ‘cause my family died. But look where we are, you have friends who would stick by you thick and thin, just remember that,” I said, then reached over the table and grabbed her chin to lift her head to me so our eyes can meet. Tears are falling from her eyes. I slowly wipe them away.

“Y-you don’t know that. I hurt you, remember?” She spoke holding my wrist.

“It’s alright I did make you angry. Please Luna you’re important to us okay.” I said. I notice a light red tint cover her checks. She shakes her head no.

“Dan I’m not important, I’m and idiot who has awesome friends.”

“Don’t say that Luna.” I go around the table and hug her. Her ears have falten against her head. I start to pet her with my left hand trying to comfort her. She turns around and push her face into my shoulder. Good thing no one is out here.

“Luna you’re important to people don’t forget that okay.” Before I knew it I kiss the top of the her forehead. We let go and sit back down, but I’m sitting next to her. She dry of her tears...WHAT DID I DO I KISSED HER FOREHEAD, THIS IS BAD I’M DATING HER BEST FRIEND!!! Sarah I’m so so so so sorry.

Luna’s P.O.V

I finish drying my tears. I look to Dan to see him sitting next to me. He was so kind, but…...HE KISSED MY FOREHEAD HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REACT TO THAT!!! ISN'T HE DATING MY BEST FRIEND!!!! I felt heat rise to my face. No Luna! You don’t like him….do I like him. We fought when we first meet, now when I’m around him my heart aches….I NEED HELP!!! Astrid and Sarah are going to kill me. Why must I have feelings!

Astrid P.O.V

After me, Lily, Sarah, and Lucinda got are food we start to head outside no one eats out there beside us and we don’t know why. Once we got out there I see Luna and Dan sitting next each other. I look at Sarah to she her eyes lance in confusion. I notice Luna has BLUSH ON HER FACE, AND DAN LOOKING AWAY FROM HER BLUSHING TOO!!!  I quickly walk up and cough making Dan jump in surprise and Luna look at me scared. What the heck happen?!?

“Why are you guys sitting next to each other?” Lucinda asked seating her lunch tray down.

“Yeah what happen.” I said demanding the truth, I push Dan away from Luna giving a glare.

“I-I-I s-said s-something okay.” Luna stuttered out. Yeah right Luna there has to be something else. I looked at Dan he rubbed the back of his neck and sat down by Sarah.

“Yeah she said something messed up.” He said finishing half a sandwich. Wait Luna made that, she share her lunch I really don’t like this at all. I sigh and sat down by Luna and started to eat. I kept a close eye on Dan and Luna, they kept quite.

“Anyway, I don’t know if I’m going crazy but I have a feeling something bad going to happen soon.” Dan spoke looking at me. I feel it too, but I just shrugged it off.

“I do too. What could the be then.” Lucinda said taking a bite of her pizza.

“Maybe we will be meeting another Light Fang.” Sarah said. I nod in agreement.

???? P.O.V

I been keeping an eye on the female wolf hybrid, she seem interesting. It’s lunch right now and I see her talking to the flithly cat hybrid. He’s one of my target I wish I could hear what they are talking about. His touching her, I don’t know why but I hate seeing this. Wiping her tears away I hold my urge to go up there and push him away. I continue to watch two of three targets. Once he hugged her I felt my hand gripping my bag. My eyes widen and started to slowly growl at what he did. He kissed her smooth looking forehead. He lets go red tint covering his face same with the wolf hybrid. I see other people including Lucinda. This is why I haven’t gone up there she would recognize me. I got closer just a bit to hear their words. What I heard made me smirk.

“Maybe we will be meeting another Light Fang.”  the other cat hybrid said. You have no idea do you. This will be fun for me. Before I walk away I heard an angelic voice cold yet wonderful.

“You could be right, but we don’t have to worry one we can handle it and my Dad is always a step ahead, well sometimes.” I quickly turn around to see the wolf hybrid said that. My heart started to ach. The words might be bad, but her voice brought shivers down my spine. Ahh~ I don’t think I can kill her yet, but I can aways kidnap her. That idea is perfect take my three targets back so I can keep her. I walk away planning on what to do with my wolf.

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