chapter 20

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Luna’s P.O.V

Ugh my head hurts where am I? Why do I see only black? Why can’t I move my hands? Dad? Astrid? Dan? Sky? Sarah? Luc? Jay? Lily? Anyone? I would have asked that, but I can’t speak at all. I don’t know what to do. Oh course you do Luna just stay calm. How can I stay calm I could be dead for all I know. If you were dead you could move you idiot, now calm down and breathe in and out. I start taking breathes, but it was kinda hard when their something covering my mouth. Okay Luna what do you remember on how you got her. I was called Luc when I was walking home and she talk how Jay wanted to tell Lily he loved her so I agree and told her I’ll be in my room thinking on what to say. Then she asked me what happen then I told her about the teacher and keep quiet about it. Then once I ended the call I then I felt like someone was watching me so I looked around and just saw hybrids and humans walking and talking. No one staring at me, well that’s what it looked like. I continue to walk to my house when I was in the neighborhood I felt the feeling again that someone was staring at me, but now following me. I mentally prepare what might happen. I notice in the corner of my eye I see a man, by what I could tell he has raven black hair like mine and he also a wolf hybrid but his fur is also the same color as his hair. I just stood there watching him. He continued to walk until he was right beside me. He turn his head, I was able to see pricing crimson red eyes. He mutter something I couldn’t catch on what he said. I was about to what he said, but then he spoke catching me off guard. He said ‘well well my wolf stop for me how nice, but I now need to take you now cause father wants it.’ then I black out. I was kidnap by the wolf boy, but why? Does he know I’m apart of the Shadow Fang Mafia. Is he part of the Light Fang? Or is he just crazy and just kidnap me? Most likely number one and two. I know my friends and family will come after me, but what if they get hurt I couldn’t live with myself if I lose one of them. I heard footsteps coming close to me.

“Well it looks like you are awake.” A rough yet silky voice rang through my ears. He continued “well I must say I’m surprise the daughter of Travis and Lilith was kidnap by my son. Anyway it nice to meets you little Luna, I won’t tell you my name sorry girly.”  I glare under the blindfold. Who is he? How does he know my name? What the hell is going on? I growl letting him know I not talking.

“Wow calm down, I know you aren’t going to talk, but I don’t need that. All I need is Dan and Lucinda to come by and try to save you. So they will die by someone that they thought was dead. Come out Dracul so yourself to the bringer of your kids.” I growl even more how dare he say that my friends are going to die. I hear heavy footsteps.

“Ahh isn’t Luna the demon wolf. I glad to see you and you are bring my children who are meet to die soon by their father’s hand. Just. Like. Thier. Mother.” A rough hoarse voice. I folded my eyes down that man’s voice is awful. I felt a hand on my chin lifting my head up.

“My, you are quite cute, just like your mother in highschool no wonder my son fell in love with you.”  the first voice said making me growl ah hell no.

“Maybe if we torture enough she will join the light and leave the unforgiving shadows.” The second voice said.

“True, but my son will do it cause he does love her.”

“Should we take of the duct tape to hear talk?”

“Sure Dracul.” Before I could process I felt a painfully pull on my lips.

“Ow!” I screamed.

“Ahh so you can talk, so Luna have any questions.”  the first voice asked.

“How about uncovering my eyes?” I see a bright light making me close my eyes. After a couple of seconds I was able to see. I see a man with grayish white hair smiling creepily, he has black coal like eyes and black cat eyes and a black cat tail with a white tip. He looks to be in his forties and he has a stubble on his chin. A scar on his left cheek meaning he's been through crap. I see the other man, he has black raven like hair, deep crimson eyes and is wearing a white fedoras and is smirking. He has black wolf ears and a black wolf tail cut half away off. In his left hand is a white cane. They both wear white tuxedos.

“Now that you saw us you have to join.” the wolf said smiling. I growl and gave him a glare.

“Over my dead body you bastards.” I see them both smirk.

“Well you won’t die but your friends will.” My eyes widen, but then I glare again. They will never hurt them….right? I hear a chuckle. I glare to the cat.

“Soon they will come and everything will be right.” The cat said hugging himself.

“Father is she awake?”  I notice the wolf that was in the neighborhood. I glare at him and growl, I know what you did you b*tch.
“Aww she is awake son come and say to your future wife.” Ah hell no. I’m not marrying a freaking Light Fang!! I notice his eyes spark up and ran up to me. He moved my hair to the side looking at both of my eyes.

“You have beautiful eyes I can’t wait to make them mine. We’ll be a perfect couple.” His words are so happy, but messed up. I growl and try to move away from his touch.

“I won’t marry you! I’ll never marry a Light Fang bastards!!” I yelled he moves back and whisper to his father something he nods.

“Well I guess I have to brainwash you.” He said so calmly. Is this kid alright?

“But I have to wait until we kill your friends.” I growl again, why did this have to happen. Before I could think of what to say I was kissed on my lips, my eyes widen in shock. My first kiss was just stolen by a light fang member.

“Well we must go. Come on guys.” as they felt I see the boy again and he stared at me then said out loud, “bye my love see you soon.” They all left as I just sit there. What’s going to happen? I should have asked someone to walk me home or did what what father told me to do, get uncle Rick to take me home. I’m an idiot they’re going to get hurt










no stop thinking like that get it together Luna you will get out of here.











End of chapter 20

a/n  I hope you wolves enjoyed this chapter and I hope y’all have I wonderful day or night. TheLunarMoonWolf is done bye!!!

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